Codenames & Cats

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  You sip your bubble tea contentedly in the car. "Thanks, Oppa," you chirp before sipping again. Junseo just chuckles and ruffles your hair. You swat his hand away. "Yah!"

  He fakes an angry glance at you and stops the car in front of the park. He starts to turn around menacingly, but you let out a shriek and open the door and run out. No matter how much you have worked out, he catches up, like always- though he is slightly winded.

  "I need to talk to you, Mi Sun."
You groan but trail after him nonetheless.

  You both stand on a bridge across a small stream, surrounded by cherry blossom trees that are half bare. You shiver and subconsciously pull your sleeves to make sweater paws. Junseo pinches your cheek and smiles. You pull a funny face, sticking your tongue out and crossing your eyes. Then you quickly fix your forgotten mask. Can't have anyone seeing me, just in case.

  "Enough goofing around. I need to talk to you."

  "You said, Oppa," you sigh, "Go ahead. Fire away. Spill the beans. Spit i-"

  "Alright, alright! I need you to join the gang."

  "Oppa! You know I won't." You groan in annoyance.

  "But you're perfect! You and I both know how trained you are."

  "Well, yes. But only because Appa wanted me to be able to protect myself, just in case."

  "But you kept practicing secretly with Mei, one of my best guys."

  "He told you? I'm going to kill him."

  "Can't. He's already dead. Mission last spring. Two bullets to the leg, one to the head." Junseo mimes shooting a gun. You wince.

  "Oh...well, I'm not that good." You lie. You sometimes surpasses Junseo during training lessons as a kid.

  "You could take out half my men without breaking a sweat." Junseo coaxes.

  "Yeah." You try and hide your grin.

  "You're smart."


  "You're pretty."

  "What does that have to do with anything?!"

  "Trapping enemies." You glare at your brother.

  "Oppa!" He shrugs in response.

  "A job is a job. Also, the Mafia Princess in the Elixis? Never! That's what everyone else will think. So, in a way, it's protecting you."

  "Ok, wow. Seriously?" You chuckle at his persuasion tactics.

  "Yes. You know I'm right, Mi Sun."

  "Well...fine, you have a point. And will Appa even allow it?" You remember his previous distaste at the idea of you joining the family gang, Elixis.

  "It's not his choice anymore." Junseo says carefully.

  "What do you mean? Appa's not head of the gang?"

  "Not anymore, Sis," Junseo brushes the hair out of his face. "He's old now. Can't do the action. Yeah, he's the Mafia Boss, but like, I'm the head of the gang. To the public, I'm the Mafia Boss for his safety."

  "But you eliminated your own safety! I'm....proud, Oppa. You've changed. From heartless to less heartless." Junseo laughs a heartily.

  "So will you join? You'll be second, I'll give you personal training, and you can go out for missions."

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