Co-workers & Hesitation

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  You close the main door behind you, lamb stuffed in your mouth as if you are a chipmunk. At least 4 more skewers are grasped firmly in your hand along with two brownies stuffed in a Ziploc bag.

  You gaze out at the not at all sketchy black van with only two, tinted windows parked in Jae Hwa's drive way. Scratches line the doors and the wheels look worn out. You are pretty sure that the passenger window is cracked.

  Meh, probably a seagull.

  Except there are no seagulls in Seoul, and it looks like there is a round indentation that might belong to a bullet.

  But that's silly, you cheerfully tell yourself. My brother isn't, oh, I don't know...a gang member?

  Continuing the fantasy, you jump into the plush seat and look around.

  The outside of the van is an extreme red herring. The inside is breathtaking.

  You drop your fairytale. You are so Mafia.

  The back of the van is transformed into some kind of a tech-room. On the back are three big, modern screens and underneath them is one huge and overly complicated keyboard. There are head sets, phones and wicked looking gadgets on a table next to the screens.

  The floor is a slick black material but otherwise normal. The walls, in contrast, are anything but. The left side has hooks lining it with dark colored suits hanging on them. They look to you as if they are made from the same material as the suit Sarah gave you.

  I'll set a date for coffee with her today, you remind yourself.

  As you turn your gaze to the right wall, you almost drop your brownies. Almost.

  Guns are laid on straight, polished, wooden shelves neatly. Knives are standing supported by hooks underneath. You spot manacles, chains, flamethrowers and...a grenade launcher? You shudder, hoping never to have to touch it.

  Diverting your gaze, you notice handles hanging down from the ceiling were you think people can hold onto while standing, since the only two seats are the driver's and passenger's.

  Speaking of which, Dae-Jung watches you with his sharp eye in amusement as you proceed to gawk and eat, grease streaking your bulging mouth.

  "Hello, Black Dove." He says in a smooth voice that is higher than you originally had perceived.

  "Hey, Dae-Jung. So, Oppa sent you to be the babysitter, huh?" You smirk.

  "If I remember correctly, he promised strawberry-vanilla ice cream to me if I took the job, which I obviously did. So in a way, affirmative."

  You frown but quickly smile. "So you like sharing, eh? Sharing is caring, you know?"

  Dae-Jung starts the engine and pulls out of the driveway before giving you a side glance with his one eye. "I never liked Barney."

  You grumble as he smiles softly.
  "Hmm...favorite book?"

  "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban."

  "I liked the Goblet of Fire." You hum. "Anyways, favorite pizza topping?"

  "Extra cheese, but sometimes mushrooms." He murmurs dreamily.

  You squeal. "Me too! But if there is more cheese, there should be a bit more sauce. Not a lot but just a bit more." You finish seriously.

  "Definitely." Dae-Jung agrees in the same tone and mood. "Ah, we are here."

  "Oh m- I forgot my suit!" You whine in disbelief.

  Dae-Jung clears his throat. "Don't worry. You don't have a mission today, Boss just wants to talk and probably have you train."

  You both get out and you also remember to grab your remaining one and a half brownies.

  You and Dae-Jung walk into the small, dirty lampshade store.

  "Oh, JJ Lampshades, how I missed coming into its majestic presence!" You swoon as you clutch your hands to your heart with one foot in the air. "And Wong! How I missed your gentle and kind nature."

  Dae-Jung is staring at you and the frail, unwashed man back and forth before letting out a small smile.

  You drop the act and go into the EXTRAS room before stopping. The password had probably changed...

  Dae-Jung quickly punches in GyeongSux33 before looking back at you sheepishly. "I like using the backup password. Partly because I set it."

  You shake your head with a grin and make your way to the Elixis Headquarters.
  You are currently standing in the same, soundproof room you were in once before and yet again, with Junseo.

  He turns towards you and composes his thoughts, while you use this opportunity to really look at your brother.

  Junseo is wearing a white t-shirt, his muscled biceps on display. He has grey sweatpants on and comfortable, black Nike's. His chestnut brown hair is swept back like he was running his hands through it continuously, which he does when he is nervous. His unique violet eyes are flicking back and forth hesitantly.

  Your face breaks into a soft smile when you stare into your brother's eyes. You remember what your parents use to say when you were younger.

  Boring parents, exotic children, your mother chants as she brushes your hair. Normal old me, exciting and beautiful you, she smiles but fake-sighs in defeat. Junseo sighs as well but his eyes are sparkling.

  Your father walks into your parent's room and laughs. He heard your mother and pretends to go along with her.

  Yes, yes, he says in his rumbling voice. The twins with their twin eyes but odd hair.

  You and Junseo turn to each other and grin, violet eyes shining but mouths turned down slightly.

  We aren't twins, you protest. I'm older so she stole my eyes anyway, Junseo oppa adds indignantly.

  He fervently touches his light brown hair and you scoff, annoyed that boys care about hair so much.

  You then give your mother a quick peck on the cheek and race into your father's waiting arms and motion for Junseo to come over.

  You shake your head and look around with wide eyes, trying to forget the memories for now.

  Junseo looks up at you. "Please don't kill me, but you're going to"

  His awkward smile drops into a slightly terrified look as you glare at him with piercing eyes.

  "Excuse me?"

☆Hellllloooooo, few readers. This was a filler but it's kinda building the base for what I have in mind. Anyhoo, hope you enjoyed it.

  So, a party. Because you are so a party person.

  Also I got my geo test back with a 99% and I'm HAPPY. But damn why did I get that freaking mcq wrong lmao.

  Vote, comment and have fun reading my terrible writing!

-SugaKookies05 ♡

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