Discussions & Legends

476 26 13

"First topic, chemicals. Objections?" Irene asks with a powerful glare, daring anyone to speak.

"Perfect!" Hyebin chirps.

"What have you all been hearing about? And none of the boring stuff, dears. I'm talking all the big toys that are going around town," S.Coups adds.

"Well," JB starts. "I've been hearing rumors about Lillith. Apparently, one of the bigger gangs payed an insane amount for the last bottle of it. A little birdie told me they're trying to break it down and replicate it. I, for one, believe we don't need an outbreak of that going around."

"Did your birdie tell you who has it?" Jisoo questions with a raised brow.

"No, but I've heard it was passing through the hands of this guy, some Brit who's made a name for himself," he scrunches his nose. "No idea who he is but the idiot handed it right to some gang here."

"David Burke," you and Namjoon harmonize. Keeping the act going, you roll your eyes and scoff at him as he grits his teeth.

"Woah, tigers. No biting here," IU chuckles. "You two have issues."

So-Min frowns. "Wait, you know the guy?"

You answer before Namjoon. "Elixis has some beef with him. Let's just say he's messing around with things he can't handle," you smirk at Kwang. "Like Lillith," you finish to the other leaders as he swallows thickly.

"Burke has been dealing around and is getting an influence and I advise you all to stay away from him. He doesn't care for our carefully crafted system and I fear he is trying to twist it into his own," you try and persuade the others even though you have the exact opposite reasons. Burke will strengthen the evil that you are trying to crush. But...you still are the Mafia Queen. Guess you have to uphold that title by manipulating and using the rest of the Mafia world.

Namjoon coughs. "I hate to say it, but I agree with Black Dove. Burke isn't the best one to deal with."

"Take a video, quick," JB whispers to Hyebin. "Raven and Elixis just agreed. This will be all over Shitter, I guarantee it."

You heard that. "Shitter?"

"Twitter for the Mafia in South Korea," Hyebin explains.

"But it's lowkey shit so thus the name," JB snickers.

S.Coups reverts the conversation back to you and Namjoon, a troubled look on his face. "But he has access to chemicals like that? Isn't he potentially dangerous?"

Namjoon shakes his head. "Don't worry. He won't be a problem."

S.Coups nods carefully, eyes narrowed in thought.

You recall the quick conversation you had earlier with him, when you went to get a drink before the Official Meet.

You select a glass filled with a pink, fruity drink before a whisper comes from the plant behind you. "Back here, now."

You recognize the raspy voice as Yoongi's. Trying not to look suspicious, you inch towards the plant before a hand grips your waist and pulls you back. Hidden behind the cover of the wide-leafed plant, Yoongi turns you around where you see Namjoon waving shyly behind him.

"We can't be seen talking!" You hiss.

Yoongi rolls his eyes. "Joonie has something to say, stupid, then you can leave."

"Just a quick thing about the Discussions- try if you can to get the others to stay away from David Burke, but don't alert them or make them too suspicious of him. If everyone turns on him, he'll get away before we get him. We need to end him once and for all so we can't mess this up," he explains.

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