Questions & Slicing

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You wince as you lug Taehyung's body towards the Honda. Your wound on your stomach hurts a lot and Taehyung weighs a ton. For a wounded girl, that is. He let's out a small groan as his heels catch on the curb of the sidewalk.

You gently put him down and half-run, half-drag yourself to the car. You unlock the doors and pull him over to the passenger side. First, you lift his feet and legs in. You stop and pant as you clutch your wound. You then grab his torso and push him onto the seat.
You go around the other side and get in.

You know that if the Elixis and especially your brother see that you are hurt, it will lower your reputation. You grab the tiny medical kit that you put in the car earlier and open it. You quickly clean, dress and wrap the gash. It will heal fast, but might scar.

You study the man next to you. He is tall and soft looking, but kind of serious, almost. His hair is silky and black, with violet streaks. Just like Jimin's... Just above the corner of his left eyebrow is a tiny raven. His mouth seems to be in set in a defiant line. His skin looks artificially soft and perfect. Overall, he is extremely handsome.

You shake your head of these thoughts. He is the enemy. Looks don't matter, Mi Sun! Get your head in the game- think about what Gyeong would say right now. The thought of Gyeong makes your blood boil. You don't like his cocky attitude and cruelty at all. You start the car and quickly drive away.
The garage door opens up. You maneuver the car in and get out. Junseo is waiting along with Gyeong, Dae-Jung and a woman you haven't seen. Junseo gives a slight tilt of his head and Gyeong and Dae-Jung haul out Taehyung and drag him into a room labeled 'Interrogation'. The woman gets into the driver seat and quickly gives two thumbs up before driving away at another one of Junseo's firm and curt nods.

He motions you over and pulls you into a hug. You gasp, but cover it up with a cough. Your mid section is alive with fiery pain but you keep quiet.

As Junseo squeezes you, he mumbles, "I'm so glad you proved yourself to everyone. To me, mostly. And Sheila, who took the car, signaled it was an all clear, the best. Meaning you did a clean job. No blood or bruises." Junseo smiles. "Two thumbs for clean, one for an okay job, maybe a bit of blood but not much. Thumb down means it wasn't meeting my standards."

You soak in the information, because anything can help. The pain becomes unbearable as Junseo gives you another tight squeeze. "Gah! Op-oppa, I can't breathe!"

Junseo chuckles. "Sorry! I like your hair, Black Dove, but you do know that it's the Raven style to have raven black hair with violet streaks?" He says as he lets go.

You pout. "I like it. Plus, I'm not dying my hair to get rid of the black. Also, these are just temporary."

"Fine!" Junseo grumbles. "Now I think you might want to go into 'Interrogation' and have a chat with Taehyung."

Your brother leads you to the interrogation room and opens the door. It is a circular room with no light source visible, even though it is filled with bright light. In the center is a metal chair that is molded into the floor. Surrounding it are electric fences. Gyeong and Dae-Jung are pacing around the fence, in the middle of asking a question from a calm Taehyung, who is strapped to the chair. They halt when they see Junseo and Gyeong grimaces when he sees you.

"Black Dove will be taking over, boys. Head towards 'Weapons', I have some testing for you to do regarding the M17, the SGT3, and..." Junseo steps out and walks away with the other two following in step. You square your shoulders and walk towards Taehyung, closing the door behind you.

Taehyung looks up. You see surprise flit across his face. You get angry, knowing he didn't expect a girl to take him down. Then, something else takes his face over.


You smile, because you just like this guy. "Hey, Taehyung. I'm Black Dove, and I'm going to ask you a few things."

"Hello." He responds with an impossibly deep voice.

"How old are you."


"Why were you going to that specific cafe?"

"To friend."

"Male or female?"


"Do you go often?" You walk to where he can see you.


"Thank you, Taehyung. Now, are you a part of Raven?"

"Obviously." He gives a deep chuckle that almost doesn't go with his sweet look.

"How many Raven members are they?"


"Taehyung, tell me their names."


"Where are they?"


"Black Dove, is the hostage not cooperating?" Gyeong comes in.

"Um, Ta- the hostage isn't."

"Very well." Gyeong gives a sickening smile and walks over to one wall. It opens as he nears. There is a cupboard full of objects.

You can't place your mind on what they are there for. You glance at Taehyung, who has his mask of calm but you can see a hint of fear.

Gyeong walks back with a knife, salt and a lighter.

One thought crosses your mind.


You feel a bit touched at Taehyung's loyalty towards his friends as he sits still, not uttering a word. Gyeong walks up to Taehyung, and he disables the fence. He gestures for you to follow as he swings the fence open.

You stand next to Taehyung. Gyeong holds up the knife. "Let's start with...the arm!" He cackles as he wrenches Taehyung's arm. He slowly brings the knife onto the skin of the crook of his elbow.

"Still nothing?"

"..." Taehyung responds to Gyeong with only a glare.

"Alright, then..."

You feel something soft against your palm. You glance down and see Taehyung's other hand holding yours out of Gyeong's sight. You look at him, startled by the warmth of his strong hand. He mouths a small I'm sorry and looks at your side, where the cut is. You give a slight nod, and feel your heart soften.

You quickly straighten yourself and pull away. You can't be like this! Sympathizing the enemy. You return as a stone cold figure and look at Gyeong.

He slices the tender skin at Taehyung's pale, pure arm.

☆Hi guys. I have to be honest- writing the not-really-torture scene killed me. There is still some left but stillll. I can't even imagine Tae Tae in pain... But, don't worry. There will be some but it won't be too deep. :'(
*me overreacting like an idiot*
Also THANK YOU THANK YOU for the views and reads. I never thought anyone would like my terrible writing. XD
I'll see you guys later!

-SugaKookies05 ♡

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