Desolation & Retribution

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This chapter may be sensitive for some people. It involves death, and I don't want anyone getting disturbed or emotionally unwell. It isn't being weak or immature. Everyone has experienced a whole different story that affects them individually. Just skip to the bottom for a recap my lovelies!

"W-what?" Your throat goes dry, and you swallow only to find it lodged and like sandpaper. Your heart stops, and doesn't have the courage to beat once more. Your fingers tremble slightly in disbelief, and your eyes water with tears to be indefinitely shed in due time.

"I...please, come home." Byung-chul whispers in a voice you've never heard- never dreamt of; hopelessness.

Well, one can't hope in a situation where all is worthless. Every precious moment, every good act? Every memory, every cry? Worthless?

Hope can be cruel sometimes, when it pairs with destiny. Destiny doesn't permit hope- everything is at is and will be as it should. Not fair. Not fair. Not fai-

"Mi Sun!" Chanyeol's voice finally reaches you, a light in your dark.

You realize you are muttering, curled in a fetus position and your phone is dropped on the ground.

"What happened?!" Jae Hwa is shaking your shoulder fiercely.

You just shake your head. "No! NO!" You shout as you run out the door and to your car, forgetting your shoes and jacket.

You hear a door open and a familiar voice shouting, "Wait! Mi Sun!"

But the sound of Jimin's voice only makes you cry harder. How dare he? That son of a-

Your train of thought stops as you open your car door, hop in and press the gas pedal harshly. You race to your parent's house, not caring about the multiple honks and shouts from other drivers.

After an eternity, you halt the car and throw open your door. You rush to the main door, which opens before you even knock by a rueful Byung-chul.

"Where is he?!" You roar.


"WHERE IS HE?" You interrupt. You feel slightly guilty for taking out your grief on everyone, but you just can't believe it.

Believe that you pushed past Byung-chul, and ran into the living room to see your mother wide eyed with shock, rocking back and forth slowly.

Believe that you yelled at her, demanding for her to tell you; that she pointed upstairs and whispered, 'J...Junseo. He's there, too.'

Believe that you tripped thrice going up, but didn't stop until you yanked open the master bedroom's polished mahogany door.

Believe that your father, your loving, caring, protective father, was lying lifelessly on the beautiful Persian carpet. Blood was pooled around his head and his eyes were staring at nothing- amd would continue to do so as long as time went on.

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