Annoyances & Sympathies

573 33 21

Yoongi's POV
"Down by the bay, where the watermelons grow!" Jungkook chirps.

  "Back to my home, I dare not go!" Jimin sings next.

  "For if I do, my mother would say..." Taehyung looks at Jin Hyung pointedly.

  "Did you ever see a fly, wearing a tie?" He questions from the driver's seat.

   "Down by the bay!" They all end with a combined voice that reaches towards a soprano.

  I groan in annoyance, turning to Hoseok instead. Jin Hyung and Joon are in the front with their children behind them, and Hoseok and I are in the third, farthest row back.

  "Did you find anything yet?" I question grumpily.

  He just pouts and squishes my soft cheeks, my eyes already beginning to roll. "Aw, Yoongi-ah is moody already? Did you pack your pillow?"

  I let out a slow breath as the Singing Sensations in the front begin again.

  "I like to eat, eat, eat, apples and bananas~!" Namjoon sings cheerily.

  "I like to oat, oat, oat, opples and banonoes~!" Jungkook chimes in.

  "I like to kill, kill, kill, annoying little brats~." I mutter and Jimin turns around with a frown.

  "Hyung, stop being mean! There's only half an hour left until we get to Gwangmyeong anyway. Also, did you find the blood's owner yet, Hobi Hyung?" He turns with a smile to Hoseok and I scoff at his personality switch.

  Hoseok nods thoughtfully, his eyes on his laptop screen. "The man's name is Haechan. Lives with a heck load of people in Gwangmyeong. Seems like they are all affiliated with something called NCT. That's their address, about 10 minutes into the city." Hoseok points at the screen as he speaks, but I focus in on the picture of Haechan.

  He looks young and happy in the picture. His smile is wide and carefree and his brown eyes twinkle. His smooth, round face makes him look unearthly. And unable to be mixed in with a group like Silver Moon.

  "Yah, give me the directions so that we can go pay NBA a visit!" Jin Hyung yells from the front.

  "NCT, Hyung." Namjoon corrects him.

  Even from here, I can see the murderous glare Jin shoots Namjoon. "If I want them to be called flipping ABC that's what we will call them, you hear?" Namjoon cowers and nods his head at Jin Hyung's fierce words.

  "Hobi, address?" Jin questions, his eyes meeting mine in the rearview mirror. I immediately notice his slightly dark undereyes and tired look. I take out my phone and snap a picture of the address from the laptop screen before unbuckling my seatbelt.

  I push off the seat and clamber over the headrests and land in the middle row with a grunt. I can already feel the confused and exasperated looks the boys are giving me. I feel something squirming underneath me but I don't bother to check. It's probably only Jungkook. I pull my legs over the seat and heave myself in the space between the two front seats. Jin Hyung is watching my exertion with a funny expression, still driving, while Namjoon is blabbering on about some stupid safety shit.

  I grab his shoulder whilst rolling my eyes and not listening, pulling him behind me while squeezing myself forward at the same time. I think he said something, but it might just be my feet on his face. I huff and push and finally manage to land in the shotgun seat, Jin Hyung smiling slightly at the sight of Namjoon being pulled over bodies and seats into my original place, yelping and pleading nonsensically.

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