Mischief & Snipers

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  Yoongi grabs two handguns, the sniper rifle and a big wrapped square. He puts them in a California tote bag and goes back into the empty room through the door.

  You follow to see him pressing a series of silvery buttons. First, a built-in table pops out of the wall. Then at the end of the narrow and long area, three targets pop up.

  You immediately realize it's a shooting gallery. A square like room with one end leading into a long corridor. Different sized targets also pop out of the walls of the gallery in random places.

  Yoongi puts the guns down on the table and picks up the first black handgun. "Ever fired a gun?"

  You smirk and raise a brow. "Have I ever." Yoongi smiles and loads the gun before clicking the safety off.

  "This is the standard form of this pistol. No upgrades, no mods. Take a shot." He hands the well built pistol to you. You grip the leather handle and take a look. Not a bad gun.

  You position yourself at the start of the gallery; you aim and shoot at the closest target. The recoil makes your shoulders jerk but years worth of practice lets you keep your footing stable. The target flips back into place against the wall, a hole in its center.

  Yoongi nods in satisfaction before handing you the other pistol while taking the first one. "Ok, so I also modify weapons but guns are my speciality. I sometimes incorporate chemical substances."

  You nod. You have basic knowledge of this stuff from private classes when you were younger.

  "Now this pistol has an extended magazine for more bullet rounds. I've also added a rapid fire installment for when against larger groups. Finally, there's a knife built into the hilt of the gun for when you're out of ammo." Yoongi finishes, waiting for your reaction.

  You silently aim and pull the trigger multiple times as you quickly switch between the next five targets. Each ends up with a hole in the middle. You test the knife and find it firm and sharp.

  "This is really good. But you can find stuff like this easily if you know the right people. Show me something special." You raise an eyebrow, slightly unimpressed. Sure, his skill is good but it's not exactly rare. Uncommon is the most you'll get for gun mods.

  Yoongi pokes his tongue into his cheek. "I can show you special alright. But that needs a different place and time." His eyes darken as he let's one corner of his lips raise.

  "T-that's not what I meant!" You stutter as your cheeks flare. You turn your head away from the addictively handsome man.

  Just as you compose yourself you feel a firm, slender hand on your waist. You stiffen your spine in surprise. You make to turn your head but warm breath on your nape stops you cold.

  "What did you mean, Princess?" Hot air feathers across your left ear. Yoongi presses his chest flat against your back, allowing you to feel the ridges of his solid pectorals and abs. His other hand rests loosely but protectively on your right shoulder.

  Just as you're on the verge of being overwhelmed, you snap back into reality. You are Black Dove, second in command of Elixis. Not an easily seduced plaything.

  You slowly smile.

  You turn, one hand drifting up to rest on Yoongi's cheek. You tilt your head and smile again. "I meant," you jerk his head to one side and bring your knee up to his stomach in a sudden, sharp motion.

  You wrap your other arm behind his neck and twist, causing the bewildered male to drop to his knees. You whirl around behind Yoongi and press an elbow to his spine, just above his tail bone. Sweeping your ponytailed hair back, you press both knees into his knee pits. Your other arm is now tightly encircling his neck from the front, his ragged breath hitting it repeatedly. You caught him in your favorite move- the Angel's Trap.

  "That you start getting serious about this alliance. Although Raven might consist of unfocused and foolish individuals, the Elixis only recruit the elite members of the Mafia world." You hiss into his ear.

  Your body trembles slightly as the older man shakes. You lose concentration for a moment and involuntarily loosen your grip on his neck in concern. "Hey, are yo-"

  You're suddenly swept from your feet as your body lands heavily on the ground, your back thudding down. Immediately, Yoongi falls onto you, pinning your hands above your head. He cocks his head to one side and continues his soft chuckle. "Trying to play hard to get won't stop much, but I'll get back to business if that's what you want, Princess." He says confidently.

  "Don't call me that." You grit your teeth. Remain professional, even if it's damn impossible.

  "But that's what you are, Princess." The boy teases.

  "If you insist, Angel." You smirk when Yoongi frowns.

  "Now, I was saving best for last but you had to go and ruin the moment." He gets off you and pulls you up, not seeing your red face. He grabs the wrapped parcel and the sniper.

  "This is modified, with the help of Taehyung, to shoot tiny needle-like projections." He hands you the sniper, back in serious mode. "When going in, it feels no more than an ordinary mosquito bite. The needle in particular carries a gas designed to knock out a group of people for an hour or so. It stays at the surface of the skin to release the gas from the outer end of the needle."

  "That's ingenious. How do you put it to use?" Now this is what you are looking for. The toys that make Raven a top gang.

  "Seokie, uh, Hoseok, helped program it so that we can monitor the victim and everyone around them through bodyheat signals. All you have to do is look through this." He unwraps the parcel to reveal a square screen. "When there is a large group of people in the designated area, one button causes them all to pass out for long enough for us to do what we need to."

  You nod with a grin. "You're quite smart, Yoongi Oppa."

  He smiles back. "Who said I'm not?"

☆ I love Yoongles *sighs in bliss* I think I'll end your visit in the next chapter and move onto the whole dealing with BlackPink and Rosé. Hope you liked the chap tho ^_^

  Also kneepits are called (medically) the popliteal fossa.

  And I got my grades. 99 in English, 99 in Geo, 93 in Art and 93 in PE. yayayay

  Vote and comment loves. Ciao


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