Fashion & Dark Alleys

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  "Let's get you ready." Junseo is pushing you into a another room labeled 'Clothing'. Inside, there is a gorgeous African woman with short, curly black hair. She looks about thirty and is wearing a normal shirt and jeans.

  "Oh, you must be Mi S- Black Dove! Darling, let's get you dressed because that outfit is so not mission worthy!" She says in a high pitched voice. She grabs lipstick out of her pocket and smears another layer of pale pink on her full lips.

  "Well, see you, Sis!" Junseo winks and leaves.

  You follow the woman to the other side of the square room. Every wall is lined with mirrors except one: it has a huge door. The lady throws the doors open and walks in. You gasp.

  It is a hallway, you could say, but lining the two walls are poles with an endless amount of clothes. It stretches really far back.

  "Well, sweetie, since you'll have your mission in a few hours, it'll be quite dark. Why, it's 6 pm now! So, I'm going to go for a nice dark look so you can blend in honey. Mmhm! Oh, you can call me Sarah!" She says extremely fast.

  "Ok," you respond with a smile on your face. You think that you and Sarah are going to get along well.

  Sarah runs down the hall and stops in front of something black. She squeals. "It's perfect!"

  She whips out the outfit. You can't see it well since it's covered in a plastic sheet. "Go put it on, Dove! Can I call you Dove?"

  You nod and rush back into the original room. You change into the one piece suit. Sarah walks in. "Oh, it's beautiful and stealthy!"

  You look into the mirrors. It's a skin tight, jet-black suit that covers till just below your collarbone, half way between your wrist and elbow, and half way of your calf. It has a black belt for weapons. The suit itself has buttons on the sleeve.

  "This top one opens a flashlight from this point of your sleeve. The second emits a gas that can knock out anyone, so be careful. The third shoots micro-grenades and the last is a taser," Sarah explains as she gestures at the buttons each in turn.

  You are truly amazed. The Elixis are much better than you expected and your mind is blown.

  "Thanks, Sarah!"

  "We still have to fix your hair and makeup!"


  Sarah leads you to one of the walls. She presses a button and a table comes out, lined with every cosmetic you could ever need. You sit and let Sarah do her thing.

  Half an hour later, she speaks. "Take a look, sugar."

  You look into the mirror and smile. Your rare violet eyes are highlighted with indigo eyeliner and mascara. Your fair complexion has been pampered to look soft and your lips are a pretty, natural pink. Your hair is open and glossy with some violet highlights.

  "You're a miracle worker, Sarah!"

  "Thank you." She beams.

  "I have to go now, Sarah. My mission is in a bit. Bye!"

  "Coffee sometime, ok?"

  You nod and run out.
  Junseo is grumbling. "Trust Sarah to turn kidnapping into a fashion show."

  You giggle. "So I don't look nice, oppa?" You innocently smile.

  Your brother scowls but his eyes are warm. Both of you are in the main room. A new Honda rests on the side, near a big garage-type door.

  "Ok, so this is the car you'll use to bring Taehyung back here. It has a GPS so I trust you won't get lost. Remember, you have 90 minutes tops. Now go!" Junseo whips out a remote and presses a button. The garage door opens, revealing a small road. You open the door and climb into the modest, gray car.

  "See you, ahjussi!" You laugh as you drive. You hear a faint "Yah!" as you rush away.

  You follow the GPS to a small street. You park the car and calm your nerves. You take a deep breath and walk into the nearest alley. You blend perfectly into the shadows of the dark alley and you send a quick thank you to Sarah.

  You hear a lone pair of footsteps coming your way. They sound rushed in a way as if the owner is tense or wary.

  The footsteps stop at the alley you are hiding in.

  You see a shadow slowly come in, hand on its pocket. You close your eyes and try to quiet your breathing, adrenaline coursing through your veins. The shadow creeps closer. You open your eyes.

  And pounce.

  You jump on the shadow's back, yanking his hair and shoving your knee into its spine- right where it hurts the most. The shadow howls, it's voice incredibly childish. You realize it's a man, so you know it's Taehyung.

  He elbows your stomach and you jump off him, clenching your fists. He rushes towards you and ducks at the last moment to kick your inner calf. You stumble but quickly regain your composure and jump as he tries to trip you.

  You pull back and punch him hard in the nose. He takes a few steps back, dazed. You smirk and push the hair out of your face. You saunter over to him.

  He suddenly twists in front of you and grabs your torso, turning your body so your back is against his chest. You hear a faint swish of something cutting through the air. You try to look down and see a glint in the man's hand.

  A knife.

  You twist and squirm to get out of his grasp, but he doesn't yield. You hear him inhale and feel a sharp pain in your stomach. You gasp. The pain spreads like fire and burns you. You feel dizzy from the intensity of the wound. You hear him spit, and realize your hair is stuck in his mouth while he holds you. You give a small smirk of satisfaction as he leaves you.

  "You're a...girl?!" He mutters sharply.

  You ignore the pain. "Yeah, I guess I am," you twist around and punch him, straight in the jaw. His eyes roll to the back of his head as he falls.

  Now, how to get back...

Hey guys! I have to admit I loved writing the fight scene. Hope you guys enjoyed it too!

I kind of imagined Tae going OW in a whiny voice when 'you' kneed him in the back lol. Tell me what you guys thought XD

Vote and comment and have a good day!

-SugaKookies05 ♡

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