Frosting & Finding

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  You wince, blinking your eyes slowly as the bright light threatening your eyelids finally defeats you. The crust around your eyelashes falls as you blink more, blurry shapes taking form as a yawn spills out of you.

  You run your tongue over your teeth to get rid of the fuzzy feeling as you sit up, groaning softly at the ache in your back from sleeping on the couch. You look around lazily, yawning and stretching as the warmth of sleep leaves your body.

  Your blanket is on the ground, fallen on top of Jimin's face as he sleeps contentedly, arms and legs curled into himself. Namjoon and Hoseok are asleep on the other side of the fort, both moving slightly as they near consciousness. On the far side, Yoongi is cuddled into a pillow while both Taehyung and Jungkook snore softly from their probably uncomfortable positions.

  Wait, where's-

  As soon as you start to think of the question, an unpleasant splat comes from the kitchen alongside a string of muttered words.

  You begin to sneak out of the fort, making your way over to the missing man as you dodge limbs and avoid heads, finally exiting the warm cocoon. As soon as you step out, the mouthwatering aroma of vanilla hits you and your eyes widen.

  "Oppa!" You skid into the kitchen, robe discarded and pyjamas rumpled, hair messed up and strong disappointment in your eyes. "I wanted to help with the cupcakes!"

  Jin looks over from where he is holding a piping bag, eyes widening as he looks at you before he bursts into squeaky laughter.

  "Look at you," he snorts, shaking his head as more giggles escape him. "Where did you come from? A barn?"

  You roll your eyes, fighting the heat of embarrassment creeping up your neck as you realize you should've freshened up a bit before confronting the elder.

  "A royal Mafia family, actually," you say and scrunch up your nose in a teasing manner.

  "Well, I was going to wake you up, just so you know," Jin begins to defend himself. "But you were sleeping so peacefully and I knew it'd do you better to sleep rather than bake with me."

  You pout, glancing at the clock to see it displaying a bright 6:27.

  "Don't do that, it's ugly. Go wash your face and then you can frost," Jin instructs, giving you a dismissing wave of his hand.

  You shake your head with a smile before leaving to do as he says.
  "All done!" you exclaim as you finish swirling the last of the coffee buttercream onto the final cupcake.

  Jin pats you on the head, praising your not-very-great frosting skills. "Wow! This is amazing! I'm so bad at it, so I'm glad we have a professional!"

  His exaggerated response makes you mumble a thanks, a bit embarrassed as the rest of the guys come to see your apparent masterpiece, all dressed and freshened.

  "Oh, wow, it's so pretty," Hoseok compliments, giving you a big grin.

  "Yeah!" Taehyung agrees, swiping a cupcake and taking a quick bite. "Tastes just as good!"

  "Sneaky little-"

  Yoongi's statement is cut off as Jimin stuffs a cupcake into his mouth. The elder chokes it down before admitting it is indeed delicious.

  "Success!" Jin cheers before handing out the rest and taking a seat at the table. As you sit down next to him, a finger darts at you and smears some buttercream on your cheek.

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