Food & Gossip

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"So then I told her, of course not! Wasn't I right, girls?"

You snap out of your daze, and look to your right to see Hana nodding and you follow her lead.

"Yes, Aunt."

"Most definitely, Aunt." You return to sipping the cocktail that had been served along with some kind of chicken and mushroom dish.

Your Aunt drones on and on, while your Uncle is pouring yet another dash of vodka into his glass.

Hana turns to you and rolls her eyes, making a circling motion with her index finger behind the table. You stifle a giggle by drinking some more of the cocktail.

Bad move.

The red drink dribbles down your chin and it's Hana's turn to try and cover up her laugh. Unfortunately for the both of you, she isn't able to, and a loud giggle escapes her.

She covers her mouth with her hand, her eyes wide and cheeks flushed from embarrassment.

"It was the most beautiful gow- Hana? Did my party gown sound that hilarious to you?" Your Aunt fumes. She notices the dribble on your chin seconds before you can wipe it off with one of the napkins.

Her eyes narrow. "You too, Mi Sun? Really, you girls can be quite wretched at times." Your Aunt huffs, wounded.

You sigh, knowing that you'll have to take the blame this time. After all, Hana is your favorite cousin.

"No, Aunt, your dress sounds splendid and I know you must've made it look even more beautiful." Your Aunt's frown straightens a bit. "I had just told Hana a joke I learned in Canada and she laughed. It was my fault. I hope you can forgive me." The words almost choke you but you manage to get them out without any hesitation. Hana squeezes your hand in thanks.

"Well, you girls are young...and young girls tell jokes, I suppose...only nineteen, right?" Your Aunt says as she nudges your Uncle.

He puts down his drink. "Uh, yes, of course. Young, so very young." He hurriedly mumbles.

"The main course, madam." The waiter comes in with several platters.

There is meat, roasted vegetables, soup, noodles and other Korean dishes.

Your Aunt has already started talking again and she had moved on to another subject as she ladles soup into her bowl. Your Uncle takes potatoes and rice as Hana fills her plate with meat and some noodles.

You serve yourself some meat and vegetables. The meat is tender and juicy and the vegetables are crisp and savory. You hum in appreciation.

Your Aunt beams. "I knew you girls would like the food. My own recipes! Anyway, as I was saying, the poor man was found with a raven carved on his cheek. Can you imagine the cruelty of finding your loved one not only dead but marred by those wretched people?"

You stop your eating. A shudder runs up your spine. A raven? "Ahem, Aunt, do you know who did it? And who the victim was?"

"Weren't you listening? Ah, you must've been caught up with the delicious food. It was a man named Sejun, some bartender. His family said he was a good man. He was murdered by the Ravens, obviously. Leaving their mark is their signature move. Those cruel Mafia gangs, hurting the innocent just gives me the creeps." Your Aunt shivers with exaggeration."He was shot, I think."

You gasp. The Ravens? You're going up against them soon. You are going to research when you get home but now you know that they are cold hearted and ruthless to kill innocent people.

"Can you tell me more about them, Aunt?" She gives you a suspicious glance. "I don't want to be caught unaware." You quickly add.

Your Aunt places her hand on her chest and gasps. "Heavens, child, we pray it won't come to that." You and Hana both try to suppress rolling your eyes at her dramatics. "All I know is that they are a Mafia gang who strike at night. Their victims always have a raven etched on their cheeks. They are rivals with another huge Mafia gang, the Elixis, I think. Oh, look! Dessert is here!"

You politely decline the chocolate mousse and the cranberry tarts. After all, you can't eat after hearing that.

You quickly tell your Aunt that you have to be somewhere and you excuse yourself. You rush to give Hana a hug.

"Call me soon for coffee, ok?"

"Sure, Mi Sun."

You peck your Aunt's cheek and leave, tying your scarf again.
"Hmm...Ravens, Ravens...Ah!"

You are searching on your computer for any information about the top Mafia gang. You click a site that has a news report on previous Raven killings.

The Ravens are a top Mafia gang of who not much is known about. They kill people at night and leave their signature mark on the victim's cheek- a raven. Nothing is known about why they mar the bodies like this. The police confirms that every victim is killed the same way. They also say that their guess is that there are 7 members, presumably male.

The latest victim was Sejun, age 35. A bartender from Seoul. He was a harmless...

You frown. It wasn't much information but it was enough. If you were to kidnap a boy, it wouldn't be hard. You get up from your desk and go to the kitchen after you see it was late. You take out yesterday's shrimp leftovers and a tortilla to make a wrap for dinner. Munching, you think about your first mission tomorrow. You start to get nervous and you decide to take a shower.

You grab your satin night suit from your closet and take a quick, warm shower.

Laying in bed, you slowly fall asleep from the lulling sound of traffic.

☆Hello, everyone! Vote and
comment down below who you think will be kidnapped by the 'black dove' :P Also, I have no idea what you would eat in Korea for a slightly formal occasion. Tell me in the comments guys and have a good one!
Peace out!

-SugaKookies05 ♡

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