Voices & Choices

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  Taehyung freezes, mouth parting in shock.

  "It's gone, it's gone," you mutter, eyes clouding as you realize you were wrong. Thanatos wasn't safe here. "It's gone," you repeat.

Taehyung shakily takes the box from your hand, staring at the empty area. "A-Are you su-"

  "Of course!" you yell, taken over by a surge of anger and frustration. The male doesn't seem to mind, his mind whirring as he blanks out.

  "Burke can't have it. He didn't know it would be here," Taehyung mumbles, speaking lowly and quickly as he shoots up and starts scanning the room.

  "But he does," you say dully. "Who else would?"

  Taehyung shakes his head, running back to you. "No, no. The whole place is untouched. He couldn't have know exactly where it'd be! He can't have it," he persists.

  "So who took it?" Although you want to fight it, a sliver of hope forms among the humiliation inside you.

  "Anyone who knows of Thanatos and knows this hiding place."

  You think carefully but draw a blank. "I don't think there's anyone like that."

  When Taehyung asks you to think harder, a single face flashes in your mind before you dismiss it. This is no time for wild assumptions.

  "Let's get back to Elixis headquarters. We should talk to Namjoon Hyung in person," Taehyung suggests.

  Mind still reeling at the possibility that David has the deadliest chemical in his twisted grasp, you just nod, in need of your Co's guidance.

  Taehyung gently brings you to your feet, taking the box from your hands carefully and dropping it into a plastic bag. He leads you out of the apartment, closing everything and rushing to your car whilst calling Namjoon.

  He opens the door of the passenger seat and pushes you in, dashing to the driver's side. "Hyung?" he breathes into the phone.

  You pull yourself out of your whirlpool of thoughts and force yourself into the present. "Tell him to call BlackPink and ask them to come to HQ. The rest can only be said in person."

  The elder glances at you and gives a respectful nod before doing as you said. After ten never-ending minutes, Taehyung finally parks in front of JJ Lampshades.

  The two of you run in, careful to have your guns drawn in case the base was attacked as predicted. Inside, however, it is quiet and calm. An unharmed Wong blinks at you from across the counter as you dash to the hidden elevator.

  Punching in the code, the metal contraption plummets alongside your heart.  Namjoon will be so disappointed.

  As soon as the doors open, you and Taehyung dive through the small groups of people in the main area, eyes searching desperately for a certain face.

  "Hyung!" Taehyung's deep shout turns your head to the right where a startled Namjoon and Jimin are in a heated discussion.

  "What is it? Don't you know we're planning the final stages of-"

  You cut off the elder's scolding with a shaky whisper that makes his eyes go wide with disbelief. "Thanatos is gone."

  "What?!" Jimin yelps before Namjoon slaps a hand over his mouth. He grabs the three of you and shoves you into the meeting room.

  "Hey, you," he calls to a passing man holding some ammunition. "Get the rest of Raven and Dae-Jung in here. And send BlackPink this way when they get here, too."

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