Perfection & Affection

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You can't stop the tear that slips down your face as you gaze at yourself in the mirror with a smile. The dress your brother had chosen for you is perfect in every aspect. You know for certain that he selected it personally and thoughtfully.

The dress is an enchanting twilight blue, made to look like floral patterned lace, with an A-Line front that reaches your calves and a figure-hugging bodice. Your collar bones are exposed with the off-shoulder neck line, the sleeves reaching just past your elbows. The dress is both elegant and sexy- perfect for the Mafia Queen.

Apparently, some rumors have been going around about Junseo's death, resulting in people wondering who has taken the throne.

They probably don't know a lot about me, considering how much I had managed to stay away from the Mafia life, you think. But the time has come to openly announce my crown and take the responsibilities. People everywhere will know the name Black Dove, and it is the name that will soon bring justice to Seoul and hopefully all of Korea.

You bring your thoughts back to the present when your phone rings. Your eyes widen when you see the caller. Biggest💩. Jae Hwa.

You realize you haven't been in contact with her for a while. She hasn't known about the kidnapping, the missions, Silver Moon...

Your heart aches for her familiarity and normality as you pick up the phone. "Hello?"

"Mi Sun! How are you?" Her cheery and carefree voice comes from the other side.

Stunned at her nonchalance, you raise a brow. "You...aren't going to ask why I haven't been in touch lately?"

Jae giggles. "Nope! I know my gang girl is busy kicking ass, but I also trust you to keep yourself safe, right?"

Guilt chokes you momentarily. "Right. Jae, I'm doing well. There's so much I want to tell you, but I'm afraid I can't."

Jae scoffs. "As if I ever wanted a part of the Mafia life. No, thank you!"

You softly chuckle. "I wonder how we basically grew up together and ended up so different."

"People change. Simple. Now tell me, what's up? Been spending time with those cuties lately?" Her tone becomes playful.

Your cheeks grow hot. "Have I ever. Girl, let me tell you that I have no idea what I'm gonna do with them."

She laughs loudly. "I can believe that. Eomma and Appa are out of the country for a couple months. Business stuff. I have the house all to myself! Come over sometime, okay?"

"Okay," you respond, knowing it'll be difficult to find time.

"Hey, I miss you. You know that, right? I love you loads, Sunny, and I'm here for you." Jae tells you sincerely.

"I know. Love you too, Jae Jae." But as the call ends, you know that the love you have for her is why you also have to stay away from her.

Your heart aches at your decision but it is the only way to keep Jae safe. She doesn't want this life, so you'll make sure to keep her away from it- away from you.

The phone suddenly rings again. This time, the caller is Yoongi.

"Oppa?" You smile as you recall the fun movie night you had with him and Jimin just last night.

"Yah, are you almost ready?"

"Uh, it's only 2 in the afternoon. Isn't the meet starting in the late evening?" You ask anxiously.

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