Races & Chances

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   "Look, there's the village!"

  You turn to look at where Jin is pointing, a relieved smile on your face when you see the upcoming huts and little paths, the early morning sunlight glowing. Turns out, Gosan-ri is located on the dip between two high hills, proving to be a deceivingly long walk from where you...parked the car.

  You and Namjoon had decided it would be best to approach the village in the morning, and not scare them by showing up past midnight.

  It also gave everyone a chance to rest, though you didn't get a wink of sleep, mind clogged with thoughts about the Cure. Even now, the troubling questions drift through your head. What if Bang Si-hyuk lost it? What if Burke already has it? What will you do if you can't get it?

  You are also anxious about what's happening back in Seoul. Did Burke attack HQ? Did he find Thanatos? Is the virus already out and turning thousands into mindless monsters?

  Your worries are interrupted by Taehyung's exclamation from next to you.

  "Come on, race you!" As Taehyung shoots off, running with a wide smile, Jimin quickly joins in, sprinting after the other.

  "Slow pokes," Jungkook comments smugly before dashing after the two, easily gaining speed over the fluffy haired boy. You shake your head, forcing the thoughts away and letting a smile tug at your lips. When will they learn?

  You take a couple deep breaths before jogging after the three, quickly changing your pace into a long-strided sprint, slicing the air with your body as you zoom past Jimin, then Jungkook and finally Taehyung. You slow to a stop near the entrance of the village, taking some deep breaths to calm your heart beat as you lean against the beautifully crafted arch.

  A couple moments later, Jungkook reaches your side, laughing. "Ah, I forgot how fast you are," he says sheepishly.

  "I forgot how slow you are," you tease, sticking your tongue out at the two arriving boys. "C'mon, guys, step up the pace!"

  "Hm, true, you all should," a wry voice comes from behind you. You watch, startled, as Yoongi steps out from behind the arch's pillar, smirking.

  "How- wh- b-" your blubbering is cut off as Yoongi shrugs, eyes glinting.

  "Grandpa probably used his electric wheelchair," Jimin laughs, yelping when Yoongi kicks him.

  "Hah," Jin pants, finally reaching the four of you. "What a workout!"

  Namjoon nods. "Nothing like a walk to get our muscles ready for what comes next."

  You give him a quizzical look. "I didn't think we'd need to physically force the old man to speak."

  Namjoon shakes his head, an amused expression on his face. "No, not him. But we don't know who else we'll be facing, so best be ready."

  You hum in agreement, peeking your head past the arch. The village seems empty, the paths bare and the insides of the mud-and-straw houses dim. The only sign of life is the sound of animals: the occasional moo and the faint yet constant clucking of chickens decorates the morning.

  "Let's go find someone to talk to, I bet there's at least someone who's awake. But be careful and don't mention Si-hyuk's name; we don't know who he is to these people," Hoseok warns, setting off down the neat gravel path.

  You admire the small gardens everywhere, the first shoots sprouting out of the soil in the spring air. Terrace farming on the hills is beautiful and hidden, the slopes carved into mountains by nature's gentle hand. You're so busy looking around the quaint, pretty village that you don't notice that everyone stopped and bump into someone's back.

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