Suspicion & Backtracks

840 42 3

  "So you're telling me that you met Mr. Sugar from Raven, he helped you take down David's men, you somehow reunited with Rosé, let the bigger threat get away voluntarily, jumped down a building, forcefully took away half of a man's stomach fat and you call that a 'good mission?'"

  "His name is Suga. Definitely an alias." Is all you say to Junseo as you sit in his soundproof office yet again. You have changed into a black, full sleeve t-shirt, jeans and combat boots, courtesy of Sarah.

  Your brother stills before you see his lips slightly quivering. Your eyes widen.

  "Are...are you...counting to...ten?" You splutter as you shake your head. Junseo looks up sharply, pink dusting his clean shaven face.

  "No! Just- look, let's start over. I get what happened but we need to understand why. So, did Suga mention a motive or any other information about Raven?"

  ", he didn't. Although I did mention Taehyung and he went almost ballistic. He inadvertently threatened the lives of the people."

  Junseo's brow furrows. "That means that their gang is on very high security. I bet that Taehyung is his real name, thus the reaction. If the name 'Suga' got leaked, it wouldn't do much. I'm still surprised he told you."

  You nod in agreement. "I don't understand why he helped. He fought the, well, bad side. Isn't he and his group the bad guys?"

  "I'm thinking that David cheated them on a sale of, uh, something. Maybe it was just a small act of revenge."

  You frown suspiciously as Junseo alerts his eyes from yours. "Oppa, that night when we gave Taehyung over. What did you give Raven? In the bag? Is that the 'something' they wanted?"

  Junseo stands up. "It's late. I'm heading over to 'Strategies' to talk with my second and third. I'll tell you if I fund anything."

  "Wait, you can't leave! I'm you're first. Heck, I'm your sister! What is it that you can't trust me with?"

  Junseo just shakes his head. "Go talk with Rosé. I'll talk with her tomorrow. She- it's- ugh, the impossible happened. I...I don't understand what's going on." He leaves the room quickly, leaving you concerned for your brother.

  You head out into one of the relaxed rooms of the HQ. You brought Rosé here after you dropped off the hostages into a holding room. You chuckle as you remember how Rosé dropped the people one by one out the lowest window possible for them not to get caught.

  You tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and enter the room.

  You absorb the sight in front of you, still not grasping the reality. The average height woman with the heart shaped face, brown eyes, naturally bright lips and light brown hair sits on one of the many couches in the otherwise empty room. Her navy blue suit is crumpled, making her seem more human.

  She looks at you and smiles. Your heart breaks.

  "Ray! This place is amazing!"

  You sit down and breathe. "How are you here?" The memories rush back as the firmly constructed wall in your head finally gives way.

  'Eomma! I'm home!' A cheerful three year old greets her mother. 'Today at preschool I met Rosé!'

  A young lady hugs her daughter and smiles. 'You remember her from before? Sweetie, you two were the cutest! Always sleeping together.'

Raven [BTS × You] ✔Where stories live. Discover now