Chases & Laughs

707 42 14

  "Here you go!" The caring man beams as he sets a plate of rice in front of you. You accept the plate as well as the chopsticks offered and start eating quickly.

  Oh my-

  "This is freaking delicious!" You all but moan as Taehyung snickers.

  Namjoon and Hoseok are in the living room. Namjoon mentioned calling Junseo to inform him that you will be dropped off shortly. Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook are seated at the table with you while Jin cooks for everyone.

  "Yes it is. Thanks, Hyung." Jimin shoves a piece of kimchi in his already stuffed mouth.

  "You look like a chipmunk." Yoongi smiles at Jimin. Jimin puffs his cheeks out even more.

  Jin appears behind Jimin and sticks out both index fingers. He points one at each of Jimin's cheeks. Taehyung giggles at the oblivious boy.


  Jin's fingers jab into Jimin's round cheeks quickly, and Jimin spits out a spray of soup and chewed kimchi right into Yoongi's face.

  You splutter as your eyes widen at the sight. Taehyung and Jungkook all but fall onto the floor in laughter, and Jin claps a hand over his mouth to contain his own. Jimin looks around helplessly, gesturing wildly with his hands to try and show his exasperation.

  Yoongi sits there quietly, his unamused face dripping with soup. A limp piece of kimchi trails down his cheek to hang from his jaw. He blinks.

  The mood and feeling is indescribably warm and fun. a home should be.

  Jin bursts out laughing and puts a hand against your chair to brace himself. "Your," he gasps for air, "your freaking face, Yoongi! I like that look on you!" He starts laughing again.

  You already love Jin's personality and his laugh. Not mention he has the looks everyone else in this house has.

  Yoongi slowly stands up and peels the kimchi off his face before flinging it into Taehyung's open mouth.

  Jungkook starts laughing louder as Taehyung chokes and gags. He spits it out into your plate before mine vomiting. "Double gross! Jimin's mouth, then Yoongi Hyung's face!"

  You make a face as you pick up the poor, soggy, abused kimchi piece with your chopsticks and launch it onto Jungkook's white t-shirt. The kimchi slowly drags down the fabric leaving a trail of slimy wetness in its path.

  "Oh shit." Taehyung breathes and Jin smacks him across the head before saying, "Oh shit. And only I can say that."

  Oops? Maybe Jungkook wasn't the best victim, especially due to the glare he was giving you now.

  You half rise from your seat. "Run, Mi Sun." Yoongi adds helpfully.

  You race out of the kitchen with Jungkook on your heels, his expression that of playfulness and vengeance. You are so not going to get caught by him.

  You skid into the living room where Namjoon and Hoseok are talking. "Hoseok Oppa! Help!" You squeal and hide behind him, knowing he will be savior.

  Hoseok smiles happily and shields you with his arms before baring his teeth playfully at Jungkook, who halted in front of his Hyungs. "Yah, maknae! You can't have Mi Sunnie!" Hoseok taunts.

  Jungkook scoffs and dives underneath Hoseok's arm in a fluid motion, his fingers slightly brushing you as you squeal.

  Namjoon sighs and pulls you back, simultaneously pushing Jungkook away from you with a palm to his forehead. "Can't you kids ever lose energy? What are you, walking Gatorade bottles?"

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