Singing & Capacity

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  "Shining through the city with a little funk and soul-"

  "I swear, if you sing that song one more time..."

  "But, Hyung! It's such a bop! Fine, I'll sing something else," he says without paying attention to his elder's warning glare. "Don't mess up my tempo-"

  "Your tempo isn't the only thing I'll mess up, Kim Taehyung!" Yoongi threatens, grabbing another fried chicken wing and viciously tearing into it, making the younger gulp and finally quiet down.

  You stifle a giggle, imagining how the actual road trip will go. Jimin throws you a sour look from his seat when he notices, determined to stay grumpy after you threw him under the bus.

  You crane your neck past Jungkook and give him a sweet smile, making Jimin grumble before looking away.

  "Did you two fight?" Hoseok asks from behind you, eyes locked on his computer screen as he taps the keys swiftly from his seat on your left.

  "Hmph," you fake glare at Jimin's back. "Ask the psycho over there."

  "You freaking witch-"

  "Both of you, quiet down," Namjoon groans from up front, shotgun as Yoongi drives.

  Jungkook looks at the two of you with wide eyes, unsure of whether you are serious or playing.

  You lean over and whisper in his ear, "I chopped the tip of his tongue off."

  Jungkook whirls around and gives you a horrified look as you laugh, managing to draw out a chuckle from Yoongi as well.

  "I'm joking, Kook. But I have cut someone's tongue out, so be careful," you say with a smirk. You aren't lying, you had to cut out the tongue of some random guy who'd grabbed you on the streets once.

  Just a little lesson for him to not catcall.

  "Here we are," Jin calls, breaking your thoughts. You watch as the Audi Q8 manages to squeeze into the narrow, shady street that houses JJ Lampshades. The eight of you climb out, the midday sun's bright lights not reaching the shabby shop.

  "Ew," Jimin says loudly as he enters the small shop, nodding at Wong behind the counter.

  You shoot him a glare. "Yeah, we modeled the shades after your face."

  Jimin mocks you, twisting his face to be as annoying as possible. You just laugh at him and he turns away, but you catch the smile on his lips.

  You take the elevator down in two groups of four, squishing in for the quick ride before spreading out into the circular room, multiple doors lining the circumference of the entrance area of Elixis HQ. As you and the boys walk towards the door labelled 'Main,' bodies being scanned and assessed behind walls, a door opens and your second slips out.

  "Mi Sun, Namjoon," he greets, a smile lighting up his eye. He steps forwards, classy mauve shirt fashionably paired with straight black pants to contrast his ragged eyepatch.

  "Dae-Jung, it's good to see you," you say while giving him a quick hug.

  "Agreed. We have much to discuss with you before the mission this evening," Namjoon adds and shakes his hand firmly.

  "Please, get comfortable," Dae-Jung turns to the rest of the boys. "You can do as you wish, of course. In fact, two of you can join one of my men to carry out a quick assassination if you'd like?"

  Jimin grins. "Sounds fun."

  "You two wait for me in the office," you tell your Co and your second. "I need to go talk to Sarah."

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