Room & Doom

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TRIGGER WARNING: The following chapter contains very mature scenes (gory, violent descriptions). Read with caution if these are triggers for you. PM me/comment if needed and I will gladly explain what goes down. With that aside, happy (?) reading! ♡

  "Walk into the room," Burke commands.

  Jungkook looks around, stopping when he sees that one end of the hallway they're in has opened up into a fully glass room. "No," he snarls. "We're not doing anything you say."

  Burke cocks his head, lips twitching. "My, what a rude bunch. Nonetheless, I have been know for my persuasive techniques." He kicks Jae Hwa harshly forwards, making her land near the shredded body of Byung-chul. Her previously cloudy eyes clear as a horrible scream rips from her throat, her eyes bulging along with the inhumane, piercing sound that makes Yoongi clap his hands over your ears and turn you into his chest.

  "This isn't happening," he mutters. You can hear his heart beating rapidly, his breaths short and quick.

  "Get in the room," Burke says again, offering a smile. "Or else she'll sound much, much worse."

  While the rest of the team stands stubbornly, uncertainty on their faces, you turn wordlessly and trudge towards the room. You catch Namjoon glance at you before immediately following.

  As the rest of them turn obediently, too, you feel a hand in your pocket for a couple seconds before it retreats, leaving a small weight. You nod at Dae-Jung, grim eyes meeting his.

  You walk into the room first, feeling every part of you hardening, yearning to bash the British man's face in. The others follow closely, the girls behind you as the boys flank you all.

  You turn to face the left wall, the glass shifting to reveal a small white door. Connecting the dots, you realize this is the same door on Burke's side.

  "Now, I want to finish my experiment," Burke says, his voice still clear despite being hidden for now. "See, this little creature you called your friend," he says as Jennie snarls, "can feel but can't control. And as for you..."

  You tense, sensing the words being directed to you.

  "Your brother rejected me, your father was useless to me, and now you," he drawls. "You, my dear, are the last of those who I spent my life hunting down. They thought I wasn't capable. That I was weak."

  The last sentences hold more emotion than the rest, making you grimace. He's been wounded too deep for return.

  "Time for you to feel how I did," David hisses. "And as for all your brick headed friends...well, one should choose his or her company wisely."

  You swallow, unwilling to see any of your brave friends- family- getting hurt by Burke.

  Suddenly, the white door opens and at the same time, the glass on one wall ripples before revealing the room in which David is standing with a proud smirk and pain-filled eyes. "Eat," he utters simply before Jimin's whimper turns your head to the door. Your blood runs cold at the sight, heart missing a beat.

  Jae is crawling through the door way, nails ragged and bloody, hair matted with dried crimson and her clothes tattered. She looks up, saliva dripping from her frothy mouth and tears cascading down her hungry eyes. Her body convulses as she drags herself forwards, mumbling in different tones.

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