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  Hey guys! How are you all doing? I know that this lockdown is taking a toll on us but we can all do this ☺️

  What are some fun things you've done so far? Any new hobbies? Been exercising? Been eating?

  I personally have been drowning in school work 😖

  Anyway, this chapter is another one where you choose who's POV the next chapter will be written in! I know last time it stretched past one chapter (😅) but this time it will only be one.

  So, vote away as to who's POV the next chapter should be written in. The chapter will start with You/Mi Sun waking up so choose according to what scene you'd like to see ;)

  You can vote upto three times, be it on one member or multiple!

  Here we go:








  Voting is open for the next few days, so it closes on June 2nd (Tuesday) at 5 PM Eastern Daylight Time so that I can get the chapter done for the weekend!

  Also, I hope you guys understand if I miss an update or two, because I'm working on this book and my other one, Trust Me, at the same time as well as a couple other BTS fanfics that are hidden away for now ;)

  Well, that's it for now! Have a good one and spare your eyes from the terribleness that is Kaachi ugh

  Oh God I could write a couple chapters solely on how stupid they are smh but we don't have time for that 😂🙄

  Keep smiling!

  -SugaKookies05 ♡

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