Understanding & Games

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  "Well, let's all have a nice, long chat, hm?" Namjoon says, hands resting on the wooden table.

  You drum your fingers on your thighs, wondering what it could be. An update on David? Another problem from Silver Moon? A new chemical?

  "I think it's time we have our final strike on Burke," Namjoon states, leaning back into his chair with a relieved sigh leaving his lips.

  Everyone stills for a moment, shocked yet also unsurprised. We all knew it would happen, it was just a matter of when...

  "Joon," Jin breaks the silence. "Were you up last night...um, this afternoon? Whatever. Were you planning this for a while?"

  You realize that your co-leader looks like a heavy weight was lifted off his shoulders, a new steely firmness inhabiting his eyes.

  "Yes, Hyung. I've been planning this move my whole life, honestly. It's our main objective. And I think I've figured out when we can do it. If I'm right, we can take Burke down and be free to change Korea once and for all." Namjoon's eyes shine as he speaks.

  You can't help but wonder how long he has been in the Mafia world, how much he's given up for this selfless dream.

  Jimin raises a brow. "That's all splendid, but what about Thanatos? That's David's whole thing, right? To get his hands on it, to possess the highest power? We can't do anything until we know where it is and have it safe in our hands...for all we know, we'd walk in and end up infected!"

  Hoseok hums in agreement. "We know he wants Thanatos and Mi Sunnie, so we need both to be safe."

  "We only need to worry about one," Taehyung shoots you a grin.

  You flash one back. "Damn right. But Joon Oppa, what exactly are you proposing?"

  Under the table, your ankles are crossed over each other tightly, the only sign of the stress you're feeling. Is it okay to tell them about Thanatos? Should I hide it away? Destroy it? What if we end up using it? What if we lose it to David?

  You try to keep your violet eyes from flicking around as the pressure on you intensifies.

  Namjoon runs a hand over his face, resting his chin in his palm. "I think I know who possesses Thanatos and where it is."

  You dig your nails into your palms, pushing them into your skin as you pray.

  Yoongi inhales sharply. "What? Since when? Wh-"

  "Yah, shut up and let him actually tell us the plan!" Jin interrupts the man.

  Namjoon lets out a quick, short laugh before ruffling his hair. "Well, Mi Sun will probably be able to help me out in it."

  You pale, heart faltering. He knows. He knows? How the heck does he know that I have it?!

  "I think that Mr. Han had Thanatos and hid it somewhere!" Namjoon reveals, eyes bright as he scans everyone's faces for reactions.

  You close your eyes and let out a breath of relief. He thinks my dad hid the zombie-chemical somewhere.

  Jungkook frowns from his place beside you. "Is something wrong? Do you think Namjoonie Hyung was incor-"

  You wave your hands and smile, cutting him off. "No, Kook, don't worry. I was just thinking."

  He smiles, big eyes shining at the little nickname.

  Namjoon turns his head to you, raising an eyebrow and giving you a piercing stare. "So? What do you think? Has he ever hinted anything to you?"

  You take a couple moments to actually think and realize something. Keeping your expression light and neutral, you choose your words cautiously as all eyes focus on you.

  "When my father was murdered, Byung-chul was telling me about his last moments," you begin, recalling that heavy night. "Apparently, there were thumping sounds and he was rifling through his drawers. My mom went up to see what was wrong, and came out of the room around fifteen minutes later. Literally ten seconds after the door closed, there was a gunshot."

  "It was Silver Moon, we know that," Jin adds slowly. "But we didn't really find out why, did we?"

  You shake your head. "Burke told me he killed O-Oppa because of a past grudge," a deep ache in your chest revives. "But that my father was just an annoyance. I think that Joon Oppa is right. My father had Thanatos...but something went wrong."

  You aren't lying...but you also won't tell them that you suspect Junseo stole the supply of Thanatos from your father. You think that your father was going to try and keep it in the safe hands of BlackPink, thus the meeting scheduled later that night. However, Silver Moon must've received intel, probably from Gyeong, about the meet and decided to swoop in and steal Thanatos before it was hidden again.

  Only...when they came, your father was just as confused as to where it was. They killed him because he was no use to them anymore.

  Junseo must've told something to BlackPink before trusting you with it later. He knew it wouldn't be safe with Appa.

  You quickly smooth your face back into a neutral, slightly interested expression to hide the emotions you are feeling now that you've basically cracked the case of your father's murder. It all makes sense now.

  Namjoon hums, bringing you quickly back to the discussion at hand. "Someone stole it from him. He was looking for it, thus the rattling about. But why did Silver Moon appear? Did he perhaps have a deal with them? Or did they somehow know he had it, only to realize it slipped from his grasp?"

  Yoongi sighs. "There's only one way to know. We check the house."

  Jin looks over at you quickly, concern in his eyes. "Would that be okay with you? I know that that place doesn't bring back the best memories, darling."

  He isn't wrong. You haven't gone near the house once it was abandoned by your mother, who was the only other person left. Heck, you haven't even been able to wear that hoodie you took from Junseo's closet all that time ago. The closer you come to the memories, the more it hurts.

  But you can't distance yourself now. You have to let Namjoon believe his version until you decide what to do with Thanatos.

  "It's fine. In fact, let's go now," you manage a small smile but you see Jungkook furrow his brows.

  "Wait, wait," Jimin says, biting his lip in thought. "Even if we do find Thanatos, where do we go from there? What's this big plan, Joonie Hyung?

  Namjoon smirks, eyes glinting with mischief and intelligence. You're glad you're not on the receiving end of this plan.

  "Then," he drawls, leaning back in his chair, "we play a game of cat and mouse with Burke, with a possible zombie-apocalypse as bait."

  Well shit.

☆Hi guys! Well, this chapter is one I've been looking forward to writing for so long and I hope you understand all the past mysteries now!

  Ok but Lucas's neck dance in Turn Back Time will go down in history 🔥

  Hope you all are doing well 💜 Stay safe guys!

  -SugaKookies05 ♡

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