Bickering & Beginning

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  "Distinguished guests, my fellow murders and my favorite leaders, may I have your attention, please?"

  The soft mumbles and snide comments die down as all the gang members turn towards the speaker, who is standing near the podium surrounded by the armchairs.

  She holds the microphone closer to her lips as she brushes her platinum blonde hair back. "Thank you! This evening has already been amazing, can't you agree?" Her voice chirps, her blue eyes meeting everyone else's with enthusiasm.

  The crowd nods, sipping their drinks.

  "Every year for countless years, the Mafia in South Korea have a Summit Meet, exclusive to certain gangs. And each year it is held in Seoul, our capital and our favorite spot to murder an unsuspecting innocent! Steal some beautiful diamonds! Cause utter chaos!" She grins, teeth gleaming in a predatory manner. "Do as we please, in short. Let's take a moment to acknowledge our gangs based in Seoul and thank them for opening their doors to us for this Meet yet again!"

  Claps sound out as the lights dim, shrouding the arena in a mysterious shadow, focusing light on the gleaming circle of seats in the center.

  "Now, without any more delay, we shall start the Official Meet. I'd like to call the top ten gangs in South Korea to the Disc, all known for their elegant killings, widespread fear, unbending loyalty and sheer power."

  At her words, murmurs of excitement arise, lower tier gangs craning their necks to catch a glimpse of the legends. You shift in your seat, straightening your back as you feel eyes on you. You, Dae-Jung and Sarah are sitting on the right of the Disc, where there are seats in ten rows- for ten gangs.

  "At number ten, we have KARD. May the leader come forward and take their place at the Disc." The speaker beams at the group sitting in the last row. You watch a woman walk past you, her steps confident and face regal. You notice her structured face and sharp beauty, acknowledging to yourself that she has the looks of a leader.

  And the brains, to be in the top ten.

  She takes her seat on one of the plush armchairs on the Disc, a name plaque reading 'So-Min' on a sign next to her.

  "Number nine, Red Velvet. May the leader come forward and take their place at the Disc." The blonde recites, smile never dimming.

  Another beautiful woman comes up, her chin tilted with a hint of attitude. Irene, the plaque reads.

  "Number eight." Got7, JB.

  "Number seven." Seventeen, S.Coups.

  "Number six." Momoland, Hyebin.

  She looks too sweet to be Mafia, you think. But isn't that the beauty of it? Honey; a sweetly sticky trap.

  "Number five." Blueming, IU.

  "She looks like a Queen," Sarah whispers, smiling as Dae-Jung's eye widens with wonder before snapping back to its neutral gaze.

  "Number four." Silver Moon, Kwang.

  Your mouth dries at the sight of the unfamiliar man. You half expected Gyeong to come, but that would not be good for Elixis nor for Silver Moon. Most people already believe Gyeong is still a high ranked member in Elixis, and switching alliances would be highly suspicious, resulting in unwanted attention.

  "Number three." BlackPink, Jisoo.

  So they're number three, you muse. That's very good.

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