Hesitancy & Mapping

706 38 19

  "So, I heard everything. But what do you think?" Junseo takes a couple sips from the coffee you gave him.

  You cross one knee over the other. "To be honest? I think that they're genuine. They seem quite close, like you've seen. I didn't see any reason to be suspicious, except..." You trail off.

  You look around your apartment. You and Junseo sit on your couches, discussing your latest 'mission'. You briefly make a mental note to get the rug cleaned- the dust is piling.

  "Except?" Junseo prods.

  "I didn't know we were in possession of Lillith. I found out that Taehyung is testing on it, and he told me you gave it over to them." You look at your brother accusingly.

  He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "Look, Mi Sun. I'm sorry for not telling you."

  "..." You stare at him. "That's it? That's all you have to say about handing the deadliest weapon to them? We don't know them." You hiss.

  "We're allies now." He protests.

  "But not before. What aren't you telling me?" Hurt laces your words. Does he not trust you?

  Junseo shakes his head and sucks in a long breath. "That was Lillith, I cannot lie. But it isn't the deadliest weapon, idiot."

  "What?" You half rise from your seat.

  "The deadliest weapon isn't Lillith. It's Thanatos. No one knows about it except me. Thanatos is a gas that doesn't kill- it does worse. It can turn people into literal zombies. It invades the nerves and twists the mind. It makes a person go literally crazy. They become cannibals, hungry for blood and they aren't human. Thanatos isn't a joke...thus its cruel name."

  You gawk at Junseo. "What the hell?!"

  Junseo looks into your eyes. "I trust you, Sis. That's why I told you. But not on your life can you tell anyone! Do you hear me?!" He says aggressively.

  You nod quietly.

  "Now, we don't have time. I got Intel on David Burke, that scum. He has a ship full of ammo and guns coming into the main harbor at midnight tomorrow. One of the rising gangs in Seoul has ordered it. If we catch the shipment before them, David will take a huge financial blow." He explains.

  "I want to go." You say automatically.

  "Of course. But...I want Raven with you on this one." He says.

  "No! Oppa!" You protest, even though your heart flutters at the thought of meeting some certain boys...

  "It's an order, not a question. You and I; some of them. It'll be fun." He says cheerfully.

  "Okay. Now, get home. I'll give you some food but I want you to rest, Oppa." You smile.

  He laughs and it's the best sound to you.
  You wake up the next morning with circles under your eyes. The stress gets to you.

  You haven't talked to your mother since your father's death. You couldn't bring yourself to call her. Junseo forced her to take a vacation in Australia to clear her head. You hope she will be alright.

  You text Jae Hwa quickly, telling her to come over to your place tomorrow.

  After all, it is your birthday tomorrow. You'll be turning 20. You should be excited, finally being a 'proper' adult. However, birthdays were never special to you.

  What's so great about knowing you have one less year to live?

  You do your morning routine and change into some sweats and a tshirt. The weather is warmer now, summer only around the corner.

  You decide to head over to the gym. You have to talk to Chanyeol and Baekhyun. You left them that night, racing off as they were left behind.
  "We understand, Mi Sun. Stop apologizing!" Chanyeol scolds you gently.

  You shake your head. "I was extremely rude. I just want you two to know I would never have done that if-" your voice cracks a bit, but Baekhyun notices and gives you a tight squeeze.

  "Hey. Talk to us whenever you want, okay? We will always be here for you. You're like a little sister to me!" He murmurs.

  You nod and hug him back. "Thank you two so much. What did I do to deserve you? Annyeong, Baekhyun Oppa, Chanyeol!" You wave at your two loyal friends before getting into your car.

  You check the time. 3:48 PM

  "I'll head over to HQ. I can train a bit." You mutter to yourself as you pull out of the parking lot.
  You walk into the headquarters, the tapping of your shows the only sound. Everything is quiet.

  "Hello?" You call out. That's when you notice a light shining out from underneath a couple of doors. Surveillance, Tech and Training.

  You walk towards the last one with light, the Meeting Room. You do the retina scan and then walk in.

  Around the table sit your brother, Gyeong, Dae-Jung, Sarah and all the Raven members. They all pause their intense discussion and look at you.

  "Ah, Black Dove. I was hoping you'd drop in. We're discussing tonight's plans. Take a seat." Junseo points to the chair to his right, between him and Gyeong.

  Namjoon smiles and nods his head at you before jotting something down on the notepad in front of him.

  "I was hoping to train before the mission." You say quietly to your brother.

  He scoffs. "As if. You don't need to train. There's a reason you're my second." You smile at his compliment.

  Gyeong clears his throat. "Someone should give a recap to her." He juts his chin towards you.

  Yoongi yawns before looking at you. "The harbor closes at 10 PM. The shipment comes in at 11:30. We think there will be around 15 to 20 people to accept the goods. We will be there at 9 PM, hopefully before them."

  Dae-Jung nods. "Our plan is to knock out the receivers before the ship docks. That way, they won't think anything is wrong and sail away with the stuff."

  Namjoon twirls the pen in his hand and gives you a page with a map. "We split up into teams. 4 teams of 3 people each. Two of the teams will take out the receiving men, from where they will be positioned behind some crates. One of the remaining teams will be close as backup."

  Jimin leans over and starts pointing at another image of a average sized boat. "This is the ship with our goods. The last team will be ready for the ship to dock. Once the other 3 teams accept the stuff, the last team will be placing bombs all around the ship."

  Gyeong smiles. "We cover up our tracks by blowing up the ship when it is a little way out into the sea. Then, we leave at around 12:30 after cleaning up the mess."

  Junseo pats you on the back. "Hey! Just in time for your birthday, Black Dove. You'll be finishing a big, successful mission on your special day."

  As you grin at Junseo, Gyeong's smile widens.

☆Hi guys! So, we are going for a last trip on Sunday. We will be in New Jersey ^_^ We will be there for a week or two so yayay

ALSO things are turning now. The story is past halfway done I think. I hope my story isn't boring 😪

Shit will go down next chapter.

Love you all! 💜 vote and comment!

  -SugaKookies05 ♡

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