Pity & Bargains

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You hear a gasp, and you feel like it pierced your heart. You didn't have it in you- you couldn't see others in pain. Taehyung's arm has a gash in it, and blood is pouring down the side. He is whimpering slightly, his big brown eyes wide.

Gyeong takes a pinch of salt and hovers it over the not-so-deep wound.

Something in you breaks to see this.

"Alright! Stop it!"

He looks at you with questioning eyes, suspicion lining his every move as he slowly pulls away his arm and faces you.

"Uh- because, this was my interrogation in the first place. You aren't supposed to be torturing! I mean, it's my job. Now, back off. Listen to your superiors." You finish with a smirk. You try and look cruel and bloodthirsty, maybe mimicking Gyeong to fool him, maybe not.

Gyeong snarls and throws the salt to the ground, stomping his way out.

You turn around to see Taehyung look at you with narrowed eyes.

"Who are you? A girl with a fist like steel but a heart like a feather," He muses as he eyes you.

You stiffen. "I am a part of the Elixis. I have no feelings for the enemy. Especially those who harm the innocent. We fight your wrongs- but I don't need to answer you. You will answer to me. Or else I'll pick up from where my...partner left off." You sneer.

He must not suspect that you are any less capable of doing anything that Gyeong would do- that any Elixis would do. Anyways, he doesn't deserve your sympathy, you think; where was sympathy when Sejun was murdered, huh? When families found out that their loved ones wouldn't come back, but the bodies? You grimace.

"Now, start talking, Taehyung."
"Kim is his first name?"

"Yes. Also, he confirms there are seven members although he didn't provide names. I tortured him slightly, yet that was all I got." You feel guilty for having to lie to Junseo.

"And the headquarters?"

"Changes every week."

"I see. What was the motive against Sejun?"

"He keeps warning me that the Ravens aren't what they seem...he says that he knows you are a good man. That the Ravens know you aren't an actual- well, bad gang. Kim Taehyung says that they are like that, too."

You see your brother pause, calculating and weighing all the different options and outcomes. You are standing in a small room with Junseo as he paces around. You just told him the last of the information you got from Taehyung, Kim Taehyung, in his personal room where no one else can know what happens inside.

"Oppa, you can't possibly be thinking about trusting him! We are good people- but bad people can lie. He most likely is bluffing; he knows his chances aren't good," you plead.

You're right. Taehyung's right. The Elixis was formed to be a Mafia gang, but not a normal one. They don't assassinate for pay or do as they please. The Elixis is trying to secretly take down the enemy without any other gang being the wiser. The Ravens are no less than murderers. They kill countless people with out blinking an eye.

"Mi Sun, enough!"

You jerk, your eyes wide at his harsh tone.

"I am the Mafia King. You will not treat me like a child! I am mildly surprised you went through with torture- but that doesn't allow you to exceed your limits." His tone softens, "Look, you don't know about this business. I want you to stay safe. Why do you think I'm talking to you in the only private room in this head quarters? Gyeong is loyal to me, undoubtedly with his life. But I don't trust he will be a good man if he comes to power. As long as I'm here and well, he is in control. He doesn't believe in helping others. If he were to be in lead, the Elixis would be just another Mafia gang. I don't want you in harm, Mi Sun. I don't want your name leaked."

Junseo places his hands on your shoulder.

"But I will teach you. In this situation, we make a little bargain, Black Dove."

You pull him into a hug before walking out of the room behind him.

Gyeong and Dae-Jung are waiting outside.


"Black Dove, Gyeong and Dae-Jung, follow me."

You three fall in line as Junseo tells his plan.

"I have nothing more I want with Taehyung. It is now confirmed that there are six other, unidentified, members and that going after the Ravens base is not possible, for now. We will use him as a bargaining chip. I think that we can give him for information. We do not need money. Now, ideas. Dae-Jung."

"Boss, it's mandatory for us to know when the next summit meeting for the gangs is. Although we said we wouldn't come, I feel like we could make a surprise entrance. It would establish that we have sources and are powerful."

"Hmm...that's a good idea. Gyeong?" Junseo nods.

"It's been to long since we've last done an assassination. The other gangs are suspicious. There is a party for some important businessmen coming up. I could eradicate one or two to make a statement if I know where the party is."

You cringe.

"What about the man last Tuesday, Gyeong?"

"Boss, he was a murderer. I can guarantee that one of the gangs know that."

Junseo pauses in step. "Well, I feel like we could ask for both. They will probably want their little member back. Black Dove, get him ready. And make sure he knows not to say a word while the exchange is happening."

You nod, relieved that your brother didn't directly agree with Gyeong. You see what he meant from before.

You walk to the interrogation room.

"Come on, Taehyung. Time to go home."
You, Junseo, Gyeong, Dae-Jung and three other people are in the van, Taehyung silent in the trunk. Junseo has already informed the Ravens to pick up Taehyung at a nearby alley. You have no idea how he did this, except that to the other gangs, it seems like the two fight for the title of number one.

The van screeches to a stop.

"Dae-Jung, go to somewhere you can snipe them easily. Gyeong, take her and stay in the street. Don't be seen. Black Dove, him and I will be in the alley." Junseo mutters as he gestures towards an American woman and a masked man.

You jump out with the others but go to the trunk. You open it and let light filter onto a calm Taehyung's face. You crack your knuckles and try to look menacing.

"You better hope they want you back."

☆Hi people! I'm so sorry for not updating last week! I thought I did and turns out wattpad glitched out (AgAiN) and deleted half of the chapter :'( well hope you enjoy the update

-SugaKookies05 ♡

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