Discoveries & Condolences

725 40 16

I will kill him.

I will kill him.

I will kill him.

You can't brush away these fierce thoughts as you sprint down the hallway towards his door.

Jimin's door.

You look around and see the hallway is empty, silent.

Like a heart beating no more.

This is expected at 11:21 pm, but makes your job a tad harder. You breathe in deeply. Your heart beats normally but your eyes are a different story.

The violet iris has darkened, your eyes narrow and gaze sharp. Not a trace of fatigue is to be found; but instead, hatred.

You stop in front of his door and breathe again. You tighten your fist and prepare to swing it at his enrapturing face.

You shove the door open and it bangs against the wall with a loud thud. You scan the apartment and find it a replica of yours, apart from the lack of any furniture.

The floor, walls and full interior is bare except for a solitary bulletin board hanging on the far wall. The board is full of papers and pictures.

You immediately dart your gaze over to the bedroom door after the lack of response to your entry. You hear loud music and silently jog over.

Pressing your ear against the door you hear a sweet, high voice singing, hitting the high notes perfectly.

Almost as perfect as Jimin's oblivious state.

You proceed to open the door quickly and raise your fist before Jimin's surprised yelp stops you.

That, and his breathtakingly sculpted abs.

Wait. Abs? What? No. No, no! Not the time!

You tear your gaze from his bare chest and roar before pouncing on him.

The bewildered male yelps again and squirms under you, eyes wide and hand groping for his shirt on his bed.

You give him no such liberties and land a hefty punch on his sharp jaw.

"Ow!" He groans and pushes you off, grabbing the shirt and running into the bathroom.

He locks the door, but not before looking at you with a pout. "You're rude!" The door shuts, leaving you panting.

What...just happened to your abduction plan?

You comb your fingers through your hair and pound your fist on the bathroom door.

"Jimin! Open the damn door! I want to kill you!"

"No!" He whines inside, voice muffled as he assumingly pulls on his shirt. "Am I dumb?"

"Yes! You messed with my family!" Tears leak put of your eyes, your rush of adrenaline fading into despair.

"What?" He squeaks. "I just wanted to be nice! Not friends, but, you know, friendly since Jin said, but don't kill me if you're that antisocial!"

"Don't you dare lie to me! Don't you d-dare.." Your low voice crumbles into a whisper before breaking, shattering.

"Hajima! Leave me alone!"

You don't reply and fall on your knees instead. You have to do this. You will kill him, because he killed your dad.

You let out a sniffle, then a couple tears and finally, a sob.

Raven [BTS × You] ✔Where stories live. Discover now