Positioning & Proximity

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  Yoongi pushes his hair out of his eyes. "Seokie! I'm dropping off Mi Sun!" He calls into the circular room.

  "Coming, Hyung!" A muffled voice comes from the back, hidden behind multiple desks with monitors, screens, TVs and multiple other technological devices.

  Hoseok pushes his way past all the gadgets and his ever-present smile widens when he sees you two. "Hey, Mi Sun! I'm so excited to show you around!"

  You can't help but giggle at his enthusiasm and you catch Yoongi smiling genuinely as well. Hoseok pats your head and flashes another smile at Yoongi.

  "Thanks, Yoongi Hyung! I'll bring her to the main room in around 30 or 45 minutes!" You look at Yoongi, who is shaking his head.

  "No problem, Seok-ah." He turns to leave but suddenly leans quickly towards you ear as he passes.

  "Too bad we couldn't have more fun. Don't be too sad. We'll be seeing a lot of each other." His voice purrs softly as his nose brushes your hair. His cedar smell washes over you and invades your senses.

  As Yoongi walks away, you call out after him. "Thanks, Yoongi Oppa!" You catch sight of a grin on his face at the last word.

  Man, is he interesting.

  You're not naive, like those book characters who don't see love when it hits them in the face. You understand what's going on here.

  And you just might be enjoying it.

  You turn back to the radiant man. Hoseok is wearing a tshirt and jeans, his hand clutching a phone. "Ok, so! I'm the tech guy of Raven!" He lets out a chuckle. "I manage all the security and surveillance. I'm behind the screen during operations and missions, disabling cameras and alerting different warnings and stuff."

  "That's pretty great!" You say honestly. "I know that the screens of the operation are the hardest parts. You gotta be extremely intelligent for that."

  Hoseok flushes a light red at your compliment. "T-thanks."

  You look around and see one main screen with multiple others surrounding it. A gamer's chair sits, inviting anyone to enjoy technology.

  That's when you focus on what's actually on the screen. You gasp. "Oh my God, Hoseok Oppa!"

  He sees where you are looking at the screen and his eyes widen in shock. "It's...it's not what it looks like!"

  You stare at him in disbelief. "I didnt think you're the type of person to..."

  Hoseok squeezes his eyes shut in embarrassment of what's to come.

  "...play Minecraft! I freaking love that game!" You squeal.

  Hoseok opens on eye cautiously. "You...won't tell Namjoon I was playing on the job?"

  You laugh. "Of course not- as long as I get a turn, that is!" Hoseok chuckles and relaxes.

  "Hey, is that...emerald ore?!" Hoseok all but shouts.

  "No way! Quick, you go get it while I- oh no! Lava! Damn it!" You shriek as you furiously try and sprint away while eating some rotten flesh.

  "Every Minecraft gamer ever." Hoseok laughs and you can't help but grin.

  Just as you are about to place a block and escape the lava, a loud "Hyung!" blares into the room. You misplace the block and fall into the lava- losing your enchanted diamond sword and all your armor.

  "Shit!" You groan. You turn away from the computer screen to see Jungkook standing there with his mouth agape and eyes huge.

  "Um, Oppa?" You tap the man next to you.

  Hoseok turns around. "Ye- oh Hell no." He goes pale as he catches sight of the now smirking younger. You swear your heart leaps at the sight of the now malicious boy.

  "Uh, Jungkoo-" Hoseok starts.

  "I'm gonna go tell Namjoon Hyung now, bye." He interrupts and starts sprinting away, tripping over himself multiple times.

  Hoseok runs after him. "Jungkookie! Kookie, wait! What have I ever done to you? Yah, maknae!" His pleads make you laugh as you decide to help.

  You run after them, easily overtaking Hoseok and gaining on Jungkook. You were in track when you were younger. You still love running.

  You catch up to Jungkook just as he is about to leave the underground area and wrap your arms around his chest from behind tightly.

  You lurch forward at the momentum and trip as your legs tangle with his. You fall face first with the boy clutching you to his chest. He yelps and twists at the last moment, landing with a thud on his back.

  He lets out a groan from the impact, and you feel it as his chest vibrates. You shiver at the warm rumble.

  Jungkook is on his back, his head tilted up and eyes closed, his hair falling onto the ground and his Adam's Apple bobbing as he swallows deeply. His muscular arms are tense, the veins popping slightly as his large hands grip your small waist tightly. His left leg is in between yours, and his right is bent to lie on top of your left one. He breathes deeply again and again to catch his breath.

  You- poor little you- lie on the muscled maknae's solid chest, your breasts aching from pressing against him. Both of your hands are gripping his biceps in attempts to not fall. You realize with a red face that you can feel his knee pressing right against your core. One of the male's legs is wrapped around yours and you can feel your torso lying on his lower half. Your face is smushed against his pects, breathing in his musky smell.

  He groans again and shifts before freezing. You feel him tense and everything hits you two simultaneously.

  You scramble off him hastily, your cheeks flushed pink and your eyes bright. You push off Jungkook's chest only to wobble and fall backwards because your legs are still trapped. You feel a steady and warm hand on your back keeping you from falling. You look up and your nose brushes Jungkook's.

  He's sitting up, keeping one hand on the ground to stay steady and one around you. He pants heavily and his hair is messily framing his toned face. His dark eyes finally meet yours.

  He seems to awaken from a trance as his eyes go back to light brown, innocently wide orbs. His lips form an 'O' as he blushes furiously at your position and proximity.

  He untangles his legs and gets up, breathing heavily now out of embarrassment and tension.

  You look up and meet his eyes with a smirk. "Don't even think of telling Namjoon Oppa, John Kong."

  He just nods and runs off, almost crashing into a wide-eyed Hoseok. You look after him, keeping your emotions at bay.

  But the heat you felt won't stay buried for long.

☆Guys, now you know my bias. I needed to write that omlll lol

  Also I feel sinful for that video :p

  Vote, comment and pray for me

  -SugaKookies05 ♡

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