Beginnings & Ends

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  You kick the door open with all your force, face stony and eyes ablaze. Three men look up from the bottom of the small staircase, about to whip out their guns. Before their fingers reach their holsters, however, bullets thud into their chests. Blood splatters on your face from the proximity but you don't flinch. You look over your shoulder to give Jin and Hoseok a nod as they lower their guns.

  You slowly walk down the stairs, the brightly lit area revealing nobody else. You reach the bottom and signal for seven people to go down the left corridor and the rest to follow you down the right.

  Keeping your gun aimed straight in front of you, finger twitching over the trigger, you creep forwards down the hallway, not a single shadow to be cautious of in the well-lit corridor.

  "Namjoon," you whisper into the earpiece, a wave of uneasiness crashing into you.

  "Find something?" he replies, leading the others down the opposite way.

  She clenches her jaw. "There's nothing here."

  He pauses before answering. "There's nothing here, either."

  "Brilliant observations," a new voice suddenly says, the vibrant tone filling the air around them.

  The two groups jolt, turning around on the opposite ends to face each other with confusion and solid determination.

  "There is indeed nothing to be seen...yet, of course," the refined voice continues, seemingly coming from nowhere and everywhere. "Welcome to your end, my friends."

  "Burke," Namjoon snarls. "Stop hiding like a coward. Fight us!"

  The British male laughs, the sound sending a chill down your spine as you feel the fear in you being taken over by solid anger. "Patience, Namjoon. Patience is the key to many locks. You will fight me soon enough, but by then you'll be begging for death."

  His cool tone makes you snap. "Big words for a man hiding behind walls," you reply icily. "But what would we expect? You always have someone else doing the dirty work for you. You have no power; your empty threats won't win this game."

  "Black Dove," David Burke muses. "We had much fun in our last encounter. Trust me, this time you'll be more entertained."

  You freeze when a hiss fills the air, the stairs being blocked by a metal door. The two groups quickly combine in the center of the long hallway, instantly ready for any threat that will come.

  Back against Hoseok, facing the wall now covering the stairwell, you don't see what makes everyone's eyes widen.

  "Is he..?" Jimin mutters, a horrified gasp leaving one of the girl's lips. You turn around quickly, surprised at their reactions. What you see makes your breath stop, your mind going blank.

  "N-No! What did you do?!" A scream tears through your throat, the ones around you flinching at the grief and rage in your voice.

  The wall that was previously lining the hallways is replaced with glass, making them viewers of a fully white room. In the center, Byung-chul's body is ripped in half, his face almost unrecognizable amongst the knots of flesh and blood clumping around him.

  David Burke watches you in particular with amusement from next to the body, his icy blue eyes cold and his smile perfect as he fixes his immaculate suit. "My dear, prejudice is a great sin. I didn't touch the man."

  "You liar!" Namjoon hisses, stepping beside you. "What else happened?"

  Burke's lips twitch, the look in his eyes making you feel the urge to run away. "Who else, my boy, not what."

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