Food & Fun

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  You groan, stretching your arms above your head before flopping onto Hoseok, who's working quietly on his computer on your left.

  "I'm bored, give me food," you whine, limbs aching from sitting in the car.

  Yoongi turns his head to scan your face, one hand on the wheel as Namjoon yelps from the passenger seat for the elder to keep his eyes on the road. "Yah, eating for no reason is a bad habit," he scolds, finally turning back to the wheel as Namjoon shudders with relief.

  You grumble, unhappy with his healthy advice. Yoongi sighs, eyes flitting up to the rearview mirror, softening when they see you.

  "One packet of Cheetos."

  You grin, giving him a quick air kiss and painting his cheeks with a soft pink as he looks away.

  Jimin reaches forwards in his seat and grabs a pack of Cheetos Puffs, opening it and popping two into his mouth. You use your foot to kick him, laughing as his cheeks bulge.

  Taehyung snatches the snack away, eating some quickly himself before throwing them to you.

  You pout as you notice that half the bag is now empty- or basically three quarters since the bag was already half air.

  Yoongi brings a hand back to the middle row to quickly pinch the two mischievous youngster's knees, smirking as they yelp. "Don't eat her food."

  You smile in victory, satisfied with their punishment. Then your eyes light up as you think of an idea.

  "Feed me, Oppa," you ask Hoseok, widening your eyes and doing your best to look cute.

  He takes one look at you and laughs, the sound wholesome and warm. "Sure, but stop making that face. You look like you're constipated!"

  You blush, hitting his thigh as he continues laughing. Taehyung and Jin immediately turn their heads, grins decorating their faces.

  "Hey!" you whine, covering your face with your hands. As everyone starts laughing, you feel two strong arms pull you into a lap, cuddling you into a chest. Jungkook's familiar musky scent fills your senses as he chuckles into your ear, the warm air making you shiver.

  "Leave her alone! You guys live for teasing the baby." He pinches your nose fondly, making you scowl.

  "Kookie will protect me from the bullies," you mumble as you bury your face into his arm, giggling when Jin snorts.

  "Y-Yeah, actually, about that-"

  "It's time for Mi Sun to come sit with us," Taehyung announces, interrupting the sheepish boy. "Its been ninety minutes."

  Immediately, Jimin pushes Jin backwards, unclipping his seat belt and practically throwing the struggling male over the seat. "Jin Hyungie has offered to be the sacrifice!"

  "I- what?! Put me down, you disrespectful midget!" Jin yelps, waving his hands around before Jimin gives a last shove and he goes tumbling into you.

  You laugh, pulling away from Jungkook as the eldest grumbles and fixes his hair. "Very graceful," you tease.

  He gives you a look, muttering under his breath about poisoning a certain someone's food.

  Taehyung gestures for you to come over, patting the now-empty spot in the middle of the middle row.

  Using Jungkook's leg for leverage, you scramble over the seat and land with a huff on the other side. Right away, two bodies press into yours, nuzzling into you.

  "We've missed you so much!" Jimin whines, holding you tightly to his firm side.

  "It feels like we've been apart for centuries," Taehyung adds, laying his head down on your thigh and looking at you with big, sparkly brown eyes, humming contentedly as you run your fingers through his soft brown locks.

  "Yah! What about me?! I was with you guys, too, you know! I didn't see her either," Jin complains from the back, settling into your previous spot- on the seat, not Jungkook.

  "Oh, Hyung, don't worry. We all know you're Mi Sun's favorite, anyway," Namjoon assures the elder, unaware of what the weight of his words is.

  Everything seems to halt. "We do?" five voices ask, confusion and jealousy lacing the sound.

  "I am?" Jin mumbles. Then he chuckles. "Of course. Who could resist me? I don't blame you, poor child," he says as he pats your head from behind, a smirk pulling at his plump lips.

  Jimin tugs your hand, looking at you with disbelieving eyes. "He isn't, is he? It's me, right? I'm your favorite? You knew me first and we're neighbors and we see each other loads and, uh, I'm cute and funny and you take my clothes and-"

  You laugh, hugging the frantic boy tightly and shutting him up. "Minnie, I don't have a favorite. Don't worry, okay?"

  He nods, slightly relieved and slightly disappointed as he hugs you back.

  You lock eyes with narrowed, dark ones in the rearview mirror. They pierce you, capturing you in their hold. "You...borrow Jimin's clothes?"

  You nod, nervous for some reason. "When I need them. He's the smallest, Yoongi Oppa."

  Yoongi's gaze only darkens. "No, you could fit in mine, too. You just never asked."

  Before you can reply, Hoseok pipes in. "You don't have a nickname for me!"

  You turn to look at him, confused at the boys behavior. "Oppa, I do. You're my Hoseokie Oppa!"

  The boys grumble amongst themselves, discussing potential 'acts of favoritism.'

  You roll your eyes. "Jealous babies."

  They all start loudly denying it, waving off your words whilst their eyes dart around nervously. Yoongi seems even more defensive because of his inability to take his eyes off the road without giving Namjoon a heart attack.

  "Well, my little jelly jellies, take solace in knowing I have no favorite! My favorite person is me, not you weirdos!"

  Taehyung fake cries, wiping at his bone-dry eyes as he holds onto you tighter. "Meanie."

  You roll your eyes again, a light glimmering in their depths as you start munching on your Cheetos.

  "Hmm, this looks to be the last bag," you murmur, happy you got it first.

  You look up to see four pairs of wide eyes looking at you hopefully. You slightly turn your head back and see three more pairs watching the neon orange Cheeto in between your fingers intently.


☆Hey guys! Sorry for the late update, school just started up and it's been a bit hectic. They've split courses into months- so eight courses, eight months: one course for 5 hours each day for a month! Sure, it's easier to focus but UGH chemistry is starting to kill me XD

  How's your school been? Online or in person? Is it good?

  Also thank you all so much for reading Raven, it's crazy to think we've been on this journey for two years 😅 man did I take my sweet time

  Anyway, stay happy and kind!

  -SugaKookies05 ♡

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