Reunions & Incredulity

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  "Hobi-ah, they won't find us, right?" Yoongi asks from the middle seat.

  "Yeah," the mentioned mutters, looking into the rearview mirror. "They don't know these roads."

  You fidget with the Glock in your hand, peering out the window to see the busy streets of Gwangmyeong. Next to you, Haechan's eyes are filled with happiness to be back in his home city.

  "And they'll probably be tracking their other car," Jin adds. It was his idea to ditch the Subaru he took control of a couple miles back, convinced that more of Silver Moon are after them.

  "Okay, let's get the kid home and get back to Seoul as soon as we can," Namjoon orders from the back.

  You frown, picking up the slight distress in his voice. "Oppa? Is something wrong?"

  "I just have a bad feeling...we have to get back quickly," he whispers to you. You glance over your shoulder at him, noticing his distracted eyes.

  "Okay, as soon as Haechan is safe," you reassure.

  "NCT Orphanage, right?" Jungkook confirms from the passenger seat, receiving a nod from Hoseok.

  "Left here," Haechan pipes from beside you.

  Yoongi glares at him. "Save the voice for who'll want to hear it." The younger looks down, ashamed. Yoongi sighs and pats his back after a moment. "They'll be glad to have you back."

  "I think we're here," Taehyung mumbles, smushing his face against the window to peer at the modest building coming up.

  You smile at the sight of the small handpainted sign hanging at the front, a couple kids out playing in the front. Your eyes narrow to study the male crouched in the dirt, playing something with a toddler. When the Audi pulls in, you see his face go from curiosity to hope, only to settle in a mixture of pain and fear.

  Yoongi exits the car, closing the door after yanking Haechan out. The man playing with the child stumbles before collapsing at the sight of the younger, tears streaming down his face. You try and shift to get a better view as Yoongi pushes Haechan forwards, the latter also crying as he approaches the strange man.

  The door of the orphanage bursts open just as the two embrace, an 'oh!' leaving your lips when countless men thunder out, crashing into Haechan.

  The seven of you in the car watch silently as Yoongi trudges back, a small smile on his face. When he opens the door, the first man calls out.

  "Thank you, Yoongi! Thank you so much for bringing him home! We'll always remember you!"

  Yoongi just nods at him before getting into the car. "Get a move on," he grunts after a couple of silent moments pass.

  You look out the window, happiness flooding in you at the sight of the reunion.
  "Mi Sun, wake up," a deep voice mumbles, a large hand shaking your shoulder.

  You grumble, groaning as you weakly slap the annoyance. "N-No..."

  Someone sighs before you feel yourself lurch upwards into sitting position. "Mi Sunnie," the voice tries again.

  You peel your eyes open to be greeted by Taehyung's sparkling ones. "Eh?"

  "Where's your brain, idiot?" Yoongi's voice sounds from your other side.

  Rubbing your eyes, you sit up properly and look around the dim, unmoving car. "Where-" You stop talking when you recognize the familiar entrance of your apartment complex, the building hidden in the darkness of the fading evening.

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