Neighbors & Cousins

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"What?! Mi Sun, are you out of your mind? You are the Mafia Princess! You'll be in twice the danger!" Jae immediately retaliates with wide eyes.

"I know, I know. But it'll be for good. You know that the Elixis only takes care of the bad, not the innocent." You convince her.

"Oh...I can't do anything about it, can I?" You slowly shake your head in response.

"No. I'm sorry, Jae Hwa, but please don't worry. I kind of want to. It'll be fun."

"It'll be fun to kill people?" Your friend says in horror.

"No, no," you laugh. " I'm just the kidnapper."

"Oh. It's still not funny!" You just pull her into a hug and mumble into her ear.

"I promise I won't die."

"How thoughtful of you."
You are now walking to the bus stop to go home. You have your mask on and are smiling because of your reunion with Jae Hwa. After your promise, you both had played Monopoly and baked with Jae Hwa's Mom. It was fun and you are happy that you are back in Korea, particularly Seoul.

You reach the stop just in time, the bus has just pulled up. You board and sit in the back, in an empty seat. You sit on the seat next to the aisle to prevent someone from sitting with you.

You sigh. It's been a long day and you are tempted to go crash at your parents house, but you know you have to go to your apartment.

You jump off the bus at the stop nearest to your parents house.

You quickly walk to your parents home and grab your bags that are packed and waiting. You decide not to take the family car and drive yourself.

You pull up in front of your new apartment building. It's quite classy and you immediately feel like you'll love it here. You grab your bags and come to the front desk. You get your key and go up to floor two.

You are standing in front of your door when the door to your right opens.

Out steps one of the most beautiful men you have ever seen. He has black hair with violet highlets and has a fit body with subtle muscles. He seems to be wearing makeup, but it looks natural. He is a little short but his warm smile seems really nice.

"Hi! My name is Park Jimin! I'm your neighbor, I guess. What's your name?"

"Annyeonghaseyo! I'm Mi Sun. It's nice to meet you."

"My pleasure," He smiles and bows, his eyes crinkling and disappearing.

You blush. "I hope we can be friends."

"I would love too, but I doubt it," He smiles sadly and sounds sincerely regretful.

"Oh, um..." You are confused at his queer attitude. "I- I'm sorry. Goodbye."

"Bye," He says remorsefully.

You open the door and gasp, brushing away the thoughts of Jimin.

The apartment is huge and already furnished. It has a nice kitchen, which is good because you love to cook. You walk into the master bedroom which is beautiful with beige walls.

You quickly unpack and take a bath.

As you unwind, you are reminded of Jimin's behavior. You feel slightly hurt but then again, who knows what is going on in his life?

You change into a loose t-shirt and tights after turning on the heating, and head to the kitchen. You whip up some stir-fried shrimp with a light salad. You fill a bowl half way because you aren't that hungry. You eat up with a glass of red wine for cheers to coming home.

After putting the leftovers in the stocked fridge, you sit on the couch with a blanket.

Maybe I can watch a few episodes of Scarlet...

But you are tired after the first episode and you decide to go to bed. You don't set your alarm, deciding to treat yourself to a sleep-in.
"Mmm..." You turn over and snuggle into your blanket, your eyes heavy and your thoughts clouded by drowsiness. You stuff your hand under your pillow and pull out your iPhone. Yawning, you turn it on to check the time.

"What? 12:43?! Hana is going to kill me!"

Hana is your cousin who you planned to meet today at one for lunch at her aunt's house.

You throw off the covers and run to your walk-in closet, grabbing a white shirt, black leggings and a beige trench coat. You run into the bathroom and take a quick shower, wincing at the icy bite of the water. You pull on your clothes and run out, grabbing your favorite designer boots and a flowery scarf to finish your casual but elegant look.

On the way there, you stop to grab some coffee. When the cashier gives you a weird look, you realize that you haven't made your hair. You rush to your car and look in the mirror.

You shriek, almost dropping your coffee. You look around and find one rubber band. You decide to keep your hair open, with two braids running down the sides of your head to meet at the back. Quickly checking the mirror, you decide you look presentable.

Finally, you pull up into your aunt's driveway to see Hana's car there already.

You check the time. "12:58. Phew, I'm good."

You rush inside to be enveloped in a citrus scent. "Mi Sun, darling. Welcome back to Korea!"

"Annyeonghaseyo, Aunt."

"Come, Hana is waiting with your Uncle in the dining room. The appetizers are just about to come." She steps back and takes a look at you while you do the same. Your Aunt is a tall, frail woman with short, blonde hair and brown eyes. She is wearing a flowy, light green dress with a silver sash. Her feet are strapped into beautifully crafted sandals.

"You look good, Mi Sun. Your Korean is also very good for someone who was out of the country for so long."

"Thank you, Aunt. You look lovely as well." You give a slight, humble bow.

She ushers you into the dining room where Uncle is sitting at the head of the table in a tuxedo. Aunt sits at his right while Hana, who is wearing a sweater and tights with a scarf, is seated at his left.

You speak. "Annyeonghaseyo, Uncle and Hana."

Your Uncle gives a curt nod and Hana gives you a tight hug and a kiss on either cheek.

"Mi Sun! It's been a while," Hana says to you and gestures for you to sit next to her. You oblige.

Now to survive Aunt's gossiping- and maybe use it.

Let's see if Mi Sun/you can pick up anything useful here! ;)

Remember to vote and comment. Have a good one!

PS I'm really sad because BTS is in Hamilton and I'm like an hour away from them but I can't go! :'( The tickets were sold outtt

-SugaKookies05 ♡

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