Propositions & Pride

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  "I'm so glad you're alive. Trust me, Burke is a man of nightmares. He isn't all powerful, but he's getting pretty close." Dae-Jung sighs with his one eye closed, his large, slender hands resting gently on your shoulders.

  You smile at your second, knowing his value is incomparable with all his years of practical experience. Then you frown slightly. "Wait. Is David the reason you lost your..."

  Dae-Jung immediately nods. "Junseo and I were on a high tier mission when we first encountered him. At the time, he was a younger, power hungry boy. He boasted of his skill and worth, demanding an entrance into, at the time, Seoul's top gang- Elixis. Junseo saw something in him, maybe it was the eagerness to willingly be a part of such an evil business, and refused.

  "I don't think Burke knew, or still knows, that Elixis always had good intentions. Presently, he believes we have twisted morals. Back then, he thought he was being rejected from a gang who thought he wasn't cut out for the ugly Mafia work. Enraged, he had whipped out a knife and jumped on me. Before he left, he'd promised to become someone powerful and come back for the other eye; just to prove to your brother that he made a mistake by rejecting him." Dae-Jung finishes.

  "That's...he's insane." You breathe out in astonishment. No wonder David is such a huge threat; he likes the Mafia. Most people are forced in or inherit a gang, like Junseo. What monster aspires to hurt others?+

  Dae-Jung nods grimly. "But that's why we are here, that's why Raven is with us every step and that's why BlackPink have our backs. We all need to take him out. And I hope you are making that master plan easier for us today."

  You nod with a wide smile. "I think David will have to brace himself for what'll hit him next."

  You step in front of Dae-Jung and continue your walk towards JJ Lampshades, the cool air making you feel slightly chilly, just how you like it. You had asked your second to come by this morning after last night's phone call, reassuring him that you feel well enough to walk to HQ. It feels like you haven't properly exercised in forever, anyway.

  The two of you lapse into a comfortable silence as you approach the shady, rundown shop. Nostalgia hits you as you walk inside, this time stopping to closely look at some of the lampshades. Yes, they indeed are hideous and cheap, but they are also the creation of Junseo's genious mind.

  Wong steps out from behind the counter and let's a hand crawl back towards his long neck. "I want you to know that I think you're a nice kid, and he spoke about you highly. Don't bring yourself down, eh?"

  You nod slowly before straightening your back and reaching the hidden elevator. Dae-Jung turns to you. "Ready?"

  "To have the opportunity to talk to each of you and hear your opinions on this matter is what truly matters to me. Please, tell me what you think." You end your talk, leaning forward in your chair in the Meeting Room. You just finished your proposition to combine the gangs and are anxious for input.

  You scan the room as a sheet of silence falls on everyone, your violet eyes piercing as they look around at the unfamiliar faces.

  "I, for one, fully support the idea." Dae-Jung's smooth, low voice speaks, breaking the ice. "A lot of you do not know Mi Sun but I've been with her for a while now and I trust her judgment. I think that Raven has proved to be strong allies; the combination of our gangs can only result in power."

  You resist the urge to smile in gratefulness. Now that your second opened the conversation, the other high members of Elixis won't be afraid to speak.

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