Escapes & Lights

542 34 7

  "Don't bother, Burke. They will kill you all." You try for a smirk but end up wincing as you pull the cuts along either side of your face.

  The mastermind barely glances at you. "It's David, love. And do not concern yourself over me. I shall take care of the issue and be back promptly. Will you excuse me, please?" He turns to leave.

  You spit at his face. "Don't turn your back on me, you good for nothing coward. Keep playing behind all these day they will run out, and we will see who the real winner is then."

  David looks at you in disgust. "My, I thought you would have been more of a lady. You ought to learn some manners! No matter, a couple more lessons with Gyeong when I'm done handling the issue."

  You are left alone once again in the cement room, and you hear David lock the door. You turn around and run your hands through your hair, helpless.

  Is it really the boys? Raven? Are they here to get me? Even though they haven't tried for...4 days. 4 whole days of torture and they come now?

  You clear your head of thoughts and focus on the present. What can you do?

  Get out of the room, for one.

  You look around for something useful, when you notice your appearance. Apart from the purple and red blossoms across your body, the cuts are reopening. Your face already looks like the Joker, with the carved smile.

  That's when you acknowledge your clothes. The previously white pants are stained and torn from all the blood and being dragged. Your shirt barely covers you anymore, just a few strands of crusty, red fabric.

  You curse loudly, frustrated and hurting. You walk slowly in a circle, knowing that Raven might not be able to handle all of David's forces- he is a dominating force in the Mafia, of course.

  You turn back towards the maze. A glint of metal catches your eye.

  A vent.

  You can't beleive you didn't notice it earlier. At least now you are 99% positive no one is monitoring you, so you decide to try your luck.

  You take off your shirt and breathe a sigh of relief for your sports bra underneath, glad they didn't take it as well. You rip the cloth into long strips and tie them together.

  You throw the makeshift rope at the vent, trying multiple times to slip it between one of the bars and then back out. Finally, it hoops around one of them and you tug it to find it strong.

  You start climbing up, tears in your eyes at the pain in your arms. You make it up to the vent and shake the bars with one hand.

  You closely observe the edges of the metal and see it slightly loose from the ceiling. You slip your nails under it and pull slowly.

  As it comes loose, you understand your rope will go down with it. You brace yourself and pull, swiftly launching yourself at the new hole and grabbing its edge with your hands. Pain shoots through you, sharp and hot but you pull yourself up as the metal vent crashes down below.

  You crawl through the narrow, dark vent system, breathing in the musty air. You stop as light filters in from ahead and reach another vent. You look down and see an empty room with only one table against the wall.

  You keep going, passing vents and rooms for a while. When your legs start aching from exhaustion, you crawl up to the next vent and hold your breath.

  A hallway, bloody and chaotic. Bodies lie everywhere and you scan them all through the metal bars, afraid to recognize one. One of the heads move and you back up to see it stand. It wasn't just a body, you realize. Someone was crouching there. They yank a knife out of a guard's chest with a wet sound and your eyes widen as you see their face.

  The black and violet hair, the brown orbs, the sharp jawline and the build. Jungkook.

  You let out a choked gasp and startle him, and his deep brown eyes meet yours.

  He jerks harshly, eyes flashing with fear and concern and relief. You elbow the vent, hard, not caring of the pain. You can finally get out.

  Jungkook drops his knife and rushes towards where you are. You struggle through the hole, the wall scraping your sides but your eyes are only on the beautiful man in front of you. His mouth is moving but you can't hear anything.

  You feel his strong arms reach up and grasp your bloody hand and he pulls you gently.

  You fall through the hole and land in his arms and he clutches you to his chest, the fabric of his shirt soft.

  You hear ringing in your ears and feel wet. You look down and see your side bleeding profusely. Must have caught it on the way down...

  You slowly look up at Jungkook's face, his hair wild and his face dotted with blood. He is shouting something into a phone, his fingers clutched tightly around you at the same time. His deep eyes looks directly into yours, his gaze powerful and you are confused at the passion and concern in them.

  Your mind feels fuzzy and you realize you are about to black out. You fight it furiously, eyes widening when you see 6 more people rush into the room.

  Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung.

  You start crying silently as you see Yoongi stare at you angrily. Jimin steps back, hand over his mouth as two tears drop down his face. Jin grimaces and rushes to you, immediately checking your injuries and talking to Jungkook.

  You realize Namjoon is talking to you but you shake your head to indicate your unawareness. He immediately understands and holds your hand tightly. You feel warmth spread to you at the touch.

  Your body goes limp and black crawls to cover your vision.



  Not enough.

  You're left alone with your thoughts; they stab you with their words and jeers and you beleive them.

  Who said self harm is physical? You do it mentally. It's the same effect.

  But it's what you deserve for being so weak. What is wrong with you? Can you not stand a bit of pain without passing out?!

  But as Jungkook holds you tightly and 6 others revolve around you, a small light appears.

  It speaks, gently and softly.

  'There is nothing wrong. You are perfect and you aren't weak.'

  Even as it disappears underneath the cry of your other thoughts, you don't forget it. You hold onto it and beleive it.

☆Hey lovelies!

I loved writing this chapter and I hope you all did too!

I am sad our boys didnt make it to the  Grammy's, but they did so much more and that's enough for me 💜💜

Vote, comment and love everyoneee

  -SugaKookies05 ♡

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