Exits & Entrances

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You struggle with the blood-crusted nail, moving it gingerly but hurriedly to cut your bonds. That was your plan. Use that horrid nail to cut your bonds.

It's been three days since you have been here. Day two was a round of punching, and they broke another one of your ribs. Day three, the round you just finished with, was Gyeong. He carved you, like he said he would.

As your fingers tremble around the bonds, you try not to think of the cuts along your face and your legs.

At least they started untying you now, and retying the same rope. That's why your plan works. Has to work.

You feel threads break underneath your fingers and pray hard.

Your mistake was closing your eyes, momentarily putting down your defense. The thoughts come rushing in like an avalanche.

"Ah!" You scream, only to bite it back. You will not give them satisfaction.

Gyeong chuckles darkly. "Not enough persuasion?" He takes the knife's tip away from your bleeding calf.

He travels the silver blade over your cheekbone, under your jaw. "Maybe if I decorate your face? It's so plain, so fresh. I like to think of myself as an artist."

You close your eyes and steady your heart but you can't stop your panting. The blade slowly digs into the soft flesh of your cheek, a searing pain tearing across your face.

"Junseo never let me use the methods of my choice. No real pain! Too bad he can't see me now." Gyeong mutters, his eyes dull.

You bite your tongue, tasting blood as the knife carves a deep curve from your cheekbone to the edge of your mouth, the blade cutting slightly into your lip.

"It looks beautiful." He breathes in your face, admiring his work. He carves into you, not leaving your skin smooth in any area.

You arms have long, deep lines.

Your legs are full of curves and twists.

Your chest.

Your back.

Your body bleeds and your eyes hold back tears in the sharp pain of the blade.

"No..." You whimper and try and stop thinking of the searing, aching pain in you. You keep cutting your bonds.

Until the tightness around your wrists disappears. You are free.

You immediately stand up, only to fall down in pain. Your legs wobble as the cuts gush fresh blood, your muscles weak from abuse.

"Nnngh," you try and crawl, twisting your body painfully. "Ah!" You whisper-scream as your cut-up arms drag along the rough cement floor.

You slowly, agonizingly crawl towards the door in the corner, previously hidden from you. Your white clothes have been stained red, and now they leave marks as you drag yourself towards freedom.

You finally make it to the door. You have to get out. You have to.

Biting back the pain, you pull yourself up and open the door only to fall back in disbelief.

A maze.
You can't stop the tears this time, and lean against the cement wall and cry.

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