Recovery & Twists

703 38 35

  "Yeah, that's definitely Gyeong's gun. It used to be Oppa's but he gave it to Gyeong as a gift." You finger the two letters engraved into the brown wood; J. H.

  Junseo Han.

  "Thank you, Mi Sun." Jin gives you a warm smile and pats your cheek affectionately. You smile back at him.

  Because you'll be alright. These boys...they're here for you. Oppa left you in good hands. You smile, because you have to be alright in order to take your revenge from Gyeong.

  Taehyung tosses a pack of shrimp chips in your lap. "Eat them! I bought them for you!" He smiles widely and you find yourself nodding.

  You and the boys are in the living room of Raven's base/house. You're sitting on a floor cushion next to Taehyung. Jungkook and Jimin are on one sofa, while Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok are on another. Yoongi is slouched on a bean bag, his eyes droopy despite it being only 6 in the evening.

  It has been 5 days. You decided not to visit Elixis' HQ just yet. It's painful to think of returning.

  Namjoon seems to read your mind. "It's fine, Mi Sun. You can go back when you're ready. Stay as long as you want."

  You realize that you are now the head of the Elixis. Now that the Mafia King has died, you are the Queen. You are at the head of Seoul's most notorious gang, filled with deadly secrets of justice.

  Yoongi yawns. " what? We find Gyeong, kill him painfully...and then? Are we to remain allies with Elixis? Will we still carry out the plan to defeat David once and for all?"

  Namjoon grimaces. "I have an idea, but I will discuss it with Mi Sun in time. For now, she will be taking a break." You feel warm at his brotherly care, and your face lightens with ease.

  Jungkook clears his throat and twitches his nose unconsciously. "Where will she sleep? I mean, so far Mi Sun has been sleeping in Jimin Hyung's bed. But he can't sleep on the couch forever-"

  Jungkook's voice is cut off by three separate things. First, Jin loudly coughing as a signal for the maknae to shut up. Second is Jimin mumbling rapidly that he's fine with the arrangement. The last is you widening your eyes and loudly saying 'what?!'

  "You've been sleeping on the couch?" You turn to Jimin in shock. You never really thought that you taking his bed would result in this. Your cheeks burn from guilt.

  Jimin's smooth face tightens slightly. "It's fine. The couch is really comfortable. You obviously need a bed, so-"

  "No! I can't sleep there anymore. I feel terrible. I'm so sorry!" You bite your lip in shame.

  Yoongi scowls at Jungkook. "Yah, keep your big mouth shut sometimes. Now look." Jungkook visibly deflates.

  Namjoom sighs and holds his hands out. "Stop, everyone. Jimin will take his room back, and Mi Sun can use a mattress in someone's room. In that time, I'll get another room built next to Tae's as a guest room where she can stay whenever she comes over. Simple."

  You nod slowly. "Good idea. I'll pay for the construction, it's really not a problem."

  Hoseok claps his hands together. "Ok, now that that is settled, why don't Jin Hyung and I get dinner ready? The kids can go have fun with Mi Sun because tomorrow we have a job and work will start again." Jin nods and exits into the kitchen.

  Jimin turns to you happily, his baggy pink sweater making him look like a cute strawberry mochi. "What do you want to do? We can go to the movies!"

  "Thank God he didn't say bar." Yoongi mutters and you chuckle.

  "What if we play Twister?" Taheyung jumps up and down, and if he had a tail you swear it would be wagging right now.

  Yoongi smirks. "I'm in."

  Jimin chuckles. "Me too!"

  Jungkook groans in defeat. "Hyung always wins. I don't want to play now." He pouts, sulky.

  "Aw, does Jungkookie not want to play with me?" You pretend to be sad, and in the background Yoongi mimes gagging.

  Jungkook blushes. "I'll play, but only because you said."

  Taehyung gets the mat ready and spins the spinner. "Jimin, left hand on red!" He calls out.

  "Yoongi Hyung, right foot on blue!"

  "Mi Sun, left foot on red!"

  The game goes on, until you find yourself with one limb in each of the four corners. You struggle to maintain your balance and not crash. Jungkook fell earlier in the game. Jimin had his butt in the poor boy's face, causing him to yell out and fall. Taehyung is also out due to falling from laughing so hard.

  Now Yoongi is easily poised in one quadrant, his leg entwined around your arm. Jimin makes his next move so that he is directly over you, but horizontally. His chest is above yours, but you feel his abs pressing into your breasts.

  You squeeze your eyes in pain. Hard rock abs on my poor squishies? Ouch, hell no.

  Yoongi makes his move and stretches his arm under you, slightly brushing your lower back.

  Damn your ticklish self.

  You squirm from the feeling and Yoongi notices with a smirk. He proceeds to wiggle his hand and you let out a squeak.

  "Oppa! You're so cheating!" You protest in anguish. He laughs and so does Jimin, who accidentally forces his abs even closer in the act.

  You give up and collapse in defeat, your chest sore. "Ow! You idiot, you were killing me!" You yell at Jimin who looks at you in innocent confusion. Yoongi laughs and falls down as well.

  "Aish, that's the 47th win for Jimin. In a row." Taehyung whines.

  "Dinner!" Jin yells from the kitchen. The five of you make your way there and start eating the ramen made by Jin and Hoseok.

  "This is so good, Jin Oppa!" You say in awe.

  Hoseok frowns. "Yah! I helped too!" You give him a hug in exchange to which he happily agrees, but you fail to notice three people scowling at the sight.

☆Hi gu- *coughing fit*
Ugh, sorry. I'm down sick with a viral infection, but I managed to scrape a chapter together for you guys! I hope it's ok...

  Anyway, I hope I'll be well enough to write next week as well...oh wait, school is starting too...but it's ok!! Your author will pull through for you all! :*

  Vote, comment, good luck for school and forgive me if you didnt enjoy the chapter 🤧😞. See you next week! (Hopefully lol)

  -SugaKookies05 ♡

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