Dresses & Messes

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"Really? Are you sure?" You sigh into the phone, massaging your forehead.

You hear Dae-Jung hum in confirmation. "With the loss of Junseo, many of the low tier gangs are misled into thinking Elixis doesn't have a leader. I'm guessing someone has been spreading the word."

"Gyeong." Your grip the phone tightly as you say his name.

"Yeah. Look, just come by later tonight and we'll go take care of some of them. I bet they'll get the message we are as strong as ever after a couple of punches." He coaxes.

"Ok. I'll be there. See you later." You close the phone and run your hands through your hair.

"What's next?" You mumble outloud. You make a mental list and start reciting it. "Establish your position. Find the gang David is supplying. Find David. Find Gyeong. Take both down. Maybe...maybe..." your voice trails off as you think harder.

"Maybe if all goes well, there won't be an Elixis soon. Or a Raven. We can become one gang." You say the words and curiosity bubbles in you. Could that happen? Could the two gangs join permanently?

You flop onto your couch with a groan. Then you shoot up to your feet just as fast.

Damn it. The Summit Meet is in...how many days?

Whatever. Just try on your dress and send a picture to Jin Oppa.

You immediately realize you don't know where your dress is. You pull out your phone and call the first person you know would know where your brother put it.

"Annyeong? Sarah?" You say after waiting patiently to the sound of the dialing tone.

"Dove! How are you, Sugar? You never dropped by and I was so worried!" The concern is genuine in Sarah's words and you feel guilt crawling up your spine.

"Sarah, I'm so sorry. I took some time off to get myself together. I ended up doing a bit more than that." You smile.

"Oh! Yep, I heard from Dae-Jung! Would you imagine- first we hear that Raven isn't only good, but then our allies? And now we are one, combined gang for a bit? Phew!" She says in a cheerful tone.

"Yeah, it was a bit to take in! Sarah, I need a favor. I know Oppa had kept a dress for me, for the Summit Meet. I don't know where it is and I can't ask anyone but you..?" You start hopefully.

"Oh, yes! I know what you're talking about, hun! He absolutely went crazy over that dress. Made it perfectly perfect, he did. I know where it is. It's in his apartment. A false back to the closet in his bedroom. Think you can get it?" She says happily.

Tears prick your eyes at the thought of Junseo doing so much for you. "Yeah, I can get it. Thanks, Sarah. I'll be counting on you for my makeup and hair, though!" You say with a grin.

She laughs, says yes and ends the call.

You quickly rush into your room and throw on a hoodie and some tights before putting your hair in a low pony. You grab some ballet flats and rush out to your car.
You slowly open the door of the new, polished apartment. Inside, however, is a different story.

Your brother's clothes and things are strewn across the sofa. You notice a glass of water on the coffee table, untouched. You decide you can't go through his stuff right now. You'll do that soon.

You walk silently to his room, afraid to wake up whatever life is left. It just seems wrong somehow...to walk and talk in the home of one who can't anymore. Wait. This is a house, not a home. Not anymore.

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