Worries & Interruptions

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  You change into a white, long sleeved shirt and dark blue jeans and finish the look with a beige sweater. The weather is getting warmer and anyways, you are going to the gym again.

  You put on some lip tint and twist your hair into a loose bun. Grabbing your phone off charging, you make your way to your dining table.

  On it is a round, white bowl full of something. On closer looking, you see a fresh fruit salad. You admire the perfectly cut melons, bananas, kiwi and other fruits. Two mint leaves are arranged to form a heart on top, making you smile. The smile drops, however, as you notice the strawberries.

  The heart shaped, red strawberries that are shockingly familiar.

Jimin left you the salad that day, with the note commenting on how you were tired.

  You feel slightly uneasy but can't help but feel warm. A Mafia man, a Raven member, brought you a sweet salad with good intentions.

  But should you really believe that the door was really unlocked that night? Because if it was not, it means he had a key. And a gang member wouldn't have the key to some girl's apartment unless it was for a reason...

  Like knowing they are in the opposing gang.

  You are tempted to throw the salad in the trash now, but hey, free food.

  You finish up and head to Chani's Gym, worried thoughts clouding your mind.
  "Baekhyun Oppa!" You rush to hug your close friend.

  "Mi Sunny!" The tall man wraps his arms around you. "How are you? You look stressed."

  You laugh nervously. "Ah, well...no time to relax, you know? I have so many things on my mind nowadays."

  Baekhyun's green eyes sparkle. "I understand. But my man, I'm here for you, ok? Chani, too."

  You smile warmly. "I don't deserve you guys. Anyway, let's get on with our lessons, shall we?"

  You can now swim properly and have a strong backstroke. Your water aerobics lessons are going great, as well as your close bond with Baekhyun and Chanyeol.
  "Really well done! You've been improving." Chanyeol praises you.

  "Chani-ah, it's all thanks to you." You make your way to the lobby, clothes changed and tried from a strenuous time. "But, I wanted to ask you something."


  "Do you and Baekhyun Oppa want to come over tomorrow? I'll have a friend over, and I think we all can have a good time."

  "Sure! Just message me the timings."

  You nod and wave goodbye before heading into your car. You pull out your phone and call Junseo.


  "Oppa! Listen, I wanted to ask you about someone."


  "Have you ever heard of a Lalisa? Goes to my gym, so she's not an ordinary person."

  "Pabo! Don't you remember Lisa? Wasn't she Rosé's friend or something?"

  You immediately remember Rosé's cousin, Lalisa, whom you called Lisa. "Wasn't she some kind of teacher at a college?"

  "If you want, I can get someone to do a check over her." Junseo lets out a tired sigh.

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