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  "I didn't know tomorrow is your birthday." Jimin comments to you outside of the meeting room. The groups, times and every detail has been thoroughly planned out.

  You chuckle. "I don't think it's that important. Usually, Oppa surprises me with a little something. A cupcake, a bracelet. Always something meaningful."

  Jimin smiles at you and his eyes crinkle into little crescents. "I think it's plenty special. 20 is when people finally start letting you live your life without pestering you."

  You laugh. "Not in my family. But thanks, Jimin."

  Jimin pouts. "What will it take for you to call me 'Oppa?'"

   You grin. "I already have one."

  You race away towards the training room, leaving a bewildered Jimin behind.

  "Wha- Mi Sun! Wait! Who is he? I'm better than him!" His voice calls after you desperately.

  You chuckle and enter the training room. You walk through the small door in the corner into the locker room. You take out the extra clothes left in the supply cupboard.

   You move into a curtained-off section
You quickly change into a pair of short, tight, black shorts. You grimace in the mirror when you see your butt basically on display.

  You pull off your shirt and bra and grab the royal blue sports bra. Inspecting yourself in the mirror, you can't help but like the blue sports bra with two thin straps that run across your stomach then cross at your back. Although you feel a bit exposed, you don't have much of a problem with your outfit.

  You walk out into the empty training room and position yourself behind a punching bag. You get into stance and start throwing punches, dodging left and right.

  Your breathing gets heavier as you land harder punches, your muscles straining as the time passes. You finally stop, chest heaving. You stiffen when someone claps from behind you.

  "Well done. I loved the show." A heavy voice calls out. You can hear the smirk in it.

  You whirl around to see Yoongi behind you on a yoga mat, doing a plank. Your eyes drift from his red face, to his black hair plastered to his head, to his purple t-shirt stuck to his chest. The curves and edges of his front are on display, the shirt a mere second skin. His biceps are bulging, the veins slithering down his smooth arms. His firm legs are tense, his black shorts perfectly shaping him.

  You try and form words, but the sight in front of you is a full course meal in itself.

  That's when you see Yoongi's eyes trained on your behind. Your eyes widen as you remember his words. You go red.

  You desperately try to pull
the shorts down but they barely do anything. Yoongi lets out a spine-tingling chuckle.

  "Don't bother. I was enjoying myself. You were so caught up you didn't notice me come in. I've been doing this plank for...25 minutes?" He smirks.

  Just then, another voice comes from your right. "You...didn'" The voice huffs between words.

  You turn to see Jungkook doing pull ups, shirtless with blue basketball shorts. You're pretty sure you drool at the sight.

  His sculpted abs shine with sweat, ridges lined with a sheen glow. His face is clenched and his red lips are parted in pants. His muscles bulge as he pulls himself up repeatedly.

  Then he drops down with a grunt and has the audacity to give you a cute grin, his eyes closing momentarily. "You're pretty fit. We should go to the gym together sometime!" He says eagerly as he wipes his face.

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