Truths & Dares

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"So I'll leave tonight then, if that's fine?" You ask Jin and Namjoon, letting your raven hair out of its braid to rest in soft waves on your shoulders.

All eight of you are sitting in the living room; the three youngest are playing a boardgame on the carpet in front of the couch; Hoseok is scrolling on his phone looking at memes; Yoongi is draped on an armchair; Joon and Jin are talking to you on the couch, the elder leaning comfortably on Namjoon. You sit with your legs stretched out onto Jungkook's shoulders, soft calves resting on his firm muscle.

"Mhm, but one of the boys will drop you off." Jin says sternly. "Not it." He adds quickly.

"I will." Six voices immediately resonate in harmony.

"Ok, woah!" Jin sharply turns to the sheepish boys. "Joon, honey, we don't want another accident. Yoongles is way too angsty. Seok-ah will laugh so much her head will hurt. Kook is still a baby. Jimin will be too busy flirting to keep his eyes on the road, and God forbid Tae-"

"Hyung!" Six voices synchronize in tones of disbelief, outrage, embarrassment and perplexity.

You laugh loudly at Jin's opinion towards each of the men before giving your own suggestion. "Is Jimin-ah going to his apartment?"

The mentioned shakes his head. "No, I don't think so. I have work here."

"Ok," you clap your hands together. "I'll take Jungkookie with me!"

Immediate sounds of protest ring out while the youngest male sits in quiet astonishment, a small, happy grin spreading his pink lips as his doe eyes crease.

"But he can't drive-"

"Hyung!" Jungkook turns to Jin with a pout. "How many times will you forget that I'm 20! I can drive! And Mi Sunnie is younger than me!"

You giggle at his protests, bouncing your legs on his shoulders as a sign for him to let you talk. You watch as his sharply defined profile turns back to continue his boardgame.

"Jinnie Oppa," you start sweetly, already making him soften. "I want to go with Jungkook-ah because I need to talk to him. And if it makes you feel better, I'll drive. Do I have your permission?" You say with every ounce of respect in your tiny body.

He tugs a corner of his pretty mouth upwards, obviously basking in your respect. "I guess I can allow that."

You catch Yoongi rolling his eyes before looking at you with a pearly smile. You shrug back with an amused frown. 'You gotta do what you gotta do,' you mouth.

'If that's the case, what do I have to do to go with you instead?' He mouths back with a cute pout.

'Come by my apartment day after tomorrow,' you offer.

"Can I come, too?" Jimin looks at you with a triumphant smirk gracing his elegant features as he speaks.

You look at him with raised brows, only mildly surprised he was following your conversation. "Why you little-"

"Uh uh." Jimin waggles a small finger. "I'm older than you, remember? So I can't be 'little.' Not that I'm little, anyway." He winks with a cheeky laugh, his cheeks pink and face bright.

"Oh my God!" You laugh and throw a pillow at him which he easily catches.

"Hey, next time I won't give you clothes!" Jimin threatens.

You roll your eyes and stick out your tongue. "I'm keeping them anyway." You wrap your arms around Jimin's hoodie that you are wearing.

"Yah! Shut up! I'm trying to be unproductive in peace." Yoongi grumbles with a small smile.

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