Frustrations & Explanations

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Yoongi's POV
  "What the hell did you just say?" I growl at Dae-Jung, the second in command of Elixis.

  He looks back at me evenly, his gaze strong. I begrudgingly admire the guts he has to do that, knowing my icy glare. "She was taken, Yoongi. By David's men."

  I fight the urge to run off right now to find her, knowing I need to stay logical to be of any use. I exhale deeply. "Where were you? Where was her backup? Where was Elixis during this?"

  Dae-Jung looks away, his voice strained. "You don't understand the whole story. Let me inside so I can discuss it once and for all with Raven."

  I grit my teeth in impatience and fully open the door, allowing the man inside and away from the cold air of the night. (A/N: 🎶 I walked her home then she took me inside, to finish some Doritos and another bottle of wine...hehe anyone know the rest?) "Shoes off and straight down the hall to the living room. I'll get Namjoon to lead you from there."

  I stalk off, not waiting for him. My mind is spinning, heart pounding. This is not supposed to happen. I don't understand.

  I stop by Namjoon's door, closing my eyes slowly. Mere minutes ago, I was sitting on the couch, waiting for Taehyung to come home from Jimin's so he didn't have to worry about locking the house down at night. I was kind of pissed that he went to see Mi Sun first.

  That's when Dae-Jung had knocked on the door, and I thought it was Taehyung. As soon as the word's slipped from the Elixis member's mouth, I disregarded his blood-crusted, bruised face. All I knew was that my breath halted and I felt a jab of pain in my heart.

  Why? Why did the news affect me like that? Mi Sun is just an ally, just another person in this world. Sure, I tease her and I guess...I'm friends with her, and I think she's fun and she is pretty- but that doesn't mean she means anything to me! That she is someone I care about! Or the other way around.


  I grunt in annoyance and confusion at my inner turmoil. I can't be stupid like this, not when I'm needed. What's wrong with me?! I'm a member of Raven, I'm feared, I'm Mafia, I'm...

  I'm hurting knowing she might be in pain.

  I bang my head on Namjoon's door in frustration at these new feelings, feeling my eyes become the slightest wet. That's when the door opens and I tumble into Namjoon's arms.

  He awkwardly tries to hug me and his eyes are wide. "Hyung...are you okay? Do you want me to hug you or..."

  I push him off, embarrassed and angry at my emotions. "Pabo, why wouldn't I be fine? Dae-Jung is in the livingroom- he has news, important news, so take him to the conference room."

  I stalk off, feeling Namjoon's concerned and confused gaze on my back.

  I quickly get to my room, not bothering to turn the lights on. I sink onto my soft bed and grab my phone. I dial Jimin's number and wait, impatiently scanning my messy walls. Sheets upon sheets of music and lyrics line my walls, helping me sleep and anchoring me to life.

  "Hyungie?" Jimin's voice chirps into the phone.

  "Jiminie, get Tae and come home now. It's important; about Elixis." My voice is gentle with Jimin, knowing his feelings are delicate. It's instinct to protect Jimin- I've always felt soft, calm and warm when I'm around him.

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