Midgets & Ambitions

628 32 17

  You wake up with a yawn, the sunlight trickling into the med room from behind the white curtains. You let out a content sigh, happy that all your cuts are now painless scars. The only things left to heal before you jump back into action are your two broken ribs and a couple of tender bruises. You get off the bed gingerly and make your way to the bathroom in the corner.

  You brush your teeth, wash your face gently and comb your shiny, black hair. After you pat your face dry, you apply ointment to the wounds on your face. You take a good look in the mirror, grasping onto the memory of the pain and weakness you felt at Gyeong's hands. You memorize the face staring back at you, the one with the gruesome smile and beat up body.

  After all, if you forget all he did, how will you make him pay equally? What is it they say...an eye for an eye? That's what you plan on doing.

  You exhale firmly, gathering your strength to walk out of the bathroom, out of the med room and knocking on the closest bedroom door. You need to ask one of the boys for some clothes; you are sick of the seethrough white gown.

  You hear a groan and a high pitched 'coming' before the door opens, and a tired Jimin stands in the doorway. He rubs the sleep out of his eyes, his small hands making tight fists. His black hair is messy and you feel the urge to run your hands through it. You let your gaze wander over him momentarily to see a rumpled t-shirt and a pair of plain boxers.

  He blinks slowly as he finally wakes up, his warm brown eyes resting directly on yours. "If you woke me up just to stare at me, I don't know whether to be mad or not."

  You roll your flashing violet eyes as he smirks before he opens the door wider, stepping aside near the wall. "Come in. You probably are still a bit sore and weak."

  You chuckle lowly before lashing your foot out to hook behind his shin and pull, making him stumble closer. You use your knee to twist at the same time, making him turn to face the wall. You wrap an arm around his neck and use the other arm's elbow to dig in between his shoulder blades. His back arches in response only to stop because of his trapped position. You can see a sliver of his smooth face painted with amusement and surprise.

  You've got him caught, panting in your hold with his face against the wall. You ignore the dull ache in your chest and the tender bruises, focusing on Jimin's light laughter.

  You take one last inhale, the warm air from his neck travelling to your nose. The faint smell of maple clings to you, and as you step back, you miss the warmth and drowsiness emitting from the male.

  Jimin shakes his head. "Sorry, sorry! Damn, you could've just said you were fine." He smiles, his eyes crinkling into cute crescents, and lets you inside.

  You step in and sit on the messy bed. "Can't beleive you were still sleeping. It's morning."

  "It's 10 AM. That is not morning." Jimin retorts.

  You roll your eyes for the umpteenth time. "Just give me some clothes, Jimin. You're the shortest, most tiniest man ever so your clothes should fit me."

  Jimin turns around sharply and glares at you. "Well I never-"

  "Shut up and give me something!" You whine, cutting off his angry tone.

  Jimin scoffs. "To think I wanted you to call me Oppa, disrespectful midget."

  You smirk and walk over to his closet yourself. "Inspiration! Midget Oppa. Hm, that suits you. Well, Midget Oppa, thank you for cheering me up."

  Jimin whines and pouts this time, trying another approach to make you stop.

  You open up his closet and grab a grey sweatshirt and black shorts, ignoring him. You hold the sweatshirt against yourself and fake a gasp. "Hold up. Is this too...small for me? Boi~" You tease.

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