Wheels & Deals

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  "If it makes you feel better, Yoongi Oppa." You slip on the black jacket he insisted on you wearing, claiming that Jimin's hoodie isn't enough warmth in the chilly winter night.

  "That's not what I meant." He grumbles playfully.

  He is suddenly elbowed out of the way by a distressed Jin who is tugging a sighing Jungkook by the hand. "Et tu, Mi Sun? What are you hooligans thinking?" Jin scolds with a wagging finger, disappointment evident on his beautiful face.

  "W-what do you mean, Eom- ah, Oppa?" You stutter, a sense of slight fear and a need to please strangely taking you over. God, it feels like talking to your mother when you were a kid.

  "No hat! No scarf! No gloves! Do you want to get hypothermia and die?" Jin goes on, pulling some beanies out of his pocket.

  "Hyung...why do you have those in your pocket?" Yoongi asks with a side smile. (A/N: refer to the picture right at the start for his 'side smile' hehe)

  "Because I can." Jin replies evenly while slipping the black beanies over the two of you. "Now, begone!" He pushes the two of you out before closing the door with a flair of drama.

  "He should be in theater." You grin after a moment, still absorbing the hustle and bustle that is Seokjin.

  "We should go to a family counseling session." Jungkook replies before walking down the path, hand casually resting in the pocket of his beige Balenciaga trenchcoat.

  "So, where's your car?" You ask.

  "Just down this road there is an indoor parking complex; it saves space when there are so many students nearby." He explains. "We have our cars parked there."

  "I'm not expecting anything less than 7 cars from Raven." You tease, whipping your black hair out of your eyes.

  Jungkook looks at you from the corner of his warm brown eyes as he walks into the dark complex. "From what I've heard, you might soon be a part of it."

  You shrug as the two of you cross the dark floor towards the back wall. "I'll talk to Elixis. Then you might just be unlucky enough to be stuck with me for the rest of your Mafia life." You laugh as Jungkook elbows your side lightly, a shy smile playing on his lips as he stops in front of a car.

  "I would call being 'stuck' with you very lucky!" Jungkook chuckles breathily before coughing. "I-I mean, it's not being stuck with you since it's not against my will, but it would definitely be my will to be with you. Wait, yeah no, no, no yeah, wait-" He speaks quickly with a distressed expression, gesturing helplessly with his hands and not meeting your sparkling violet eyes until you interrupt him.

  "I understand, Kook. I like hanging out with you, too." A wry smirk is painted on your face as you relish in his embarrassment.

  "That's what I meant!" The boy groans, his voice deep and face hidden in the shadows. "It's becoming harder to talk to you every day." He mumbles as he looks down and quickly enters the passenger side of the car. You notice how the door opens, in a smooth butterfly manner. Wait.

  You take a proper look and squeal. The smooth and glossy black paint, the sleek body and beautiful wheels. A McLaren. Your absolute favorite car that you never bought, afraid of the idea of bringing unnecessary attention to yourself.

  And now you get to drive this baby.

  "Sweet mother of all things gorgeous." You let out a low whistle as you watch the doors open like wings and carefully slip into the elegant and sharp interior. Damn.

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