Applause & Announcements

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  "Well, let's begin. So-Min, go ahead." Hyebin gestures to the girl.

  You watch the unnamed blonde adjust the mic for So-Min before stepping back. The leader takes her place on the small block in front of the Podium and gives the other nine a smile before beginning. "I would like to thank all of you, first, for all you have helped me with. I am proud to stand here yet another year to represent KARD and I know I owe a lot of it to my knowledgable seniors."

  The other leaders take a moment to clap and you awkwardly join in before pausing and clenching your jaw in confusion once you realize you probably shouldn't, but then think it would be rude not to. Wait, this is actually hard. IU gives you a quick smile of reassurance, recognizing your internal struggle, and you thankfully hide your flush of embarrassment. Gah, you have to do better than this.

  "This year has been as good as any for us. We have kept Cheongju under the radar but have accomplished notable things. Just last week, we helped smuggle in a $3 million load of drugs to be further taken internationally. Little do they know, we helped ourselves to $1.8 million worth of the goods."

  The leaders chuckle, nodding their approval.

  "I've happened to notice through sources that there is a sharp increase in special chemical use, at least in our area. Mentions of Lillith are floating around, as well as others."

  You catch a couple leaders sending worried glances to each other.

  "The bounty has been good in other departments. We have been getting job offers overseas for assassinations, which is flattering. KARD has been training hard and climbing the ladder of success. I hope that next year I will be on the Disc at a higher number. Thank you again." So-Min finishes with a brilliant smile and walks back to take her seat as claps sound out.

  You notice the only applause and actual sound is coming from the Disc. Everyone below is deathly silent, the eeriness of their probing eyes making you want to squirm in your seat.

  "Irene, please." Namjoon speaks.

  She walks up to the Podium, legs flashing from the breathtakingly high slits of her dress.

  Irene talks about much of the same things; the progress of Red Velvet, major accomplishments and noted changes in the Mafia World.

  As more leaders speak, taking turns to stand in the spotlight on the Podium, you notice with growing tension the multiple mentions of new, dangerous chemicals flitting around, some being recognized as old nightmares brought back to life, others never-before-seen mutated horrors. Each story is more disturbing as leaders highlight the fluctuating use of chemicals over the past year. When Thanatos is mentioned, you keep your face blank, prior training keeping you from betraying the shock of a certain memory, something Junseo told you a long time ago.

  "The deadliest weapon isn't Lillith. It's Thanatos. No one knows about it except me. Thanatos is a gas that doesn't kill- it does worse. It can turn people into literal zombies. It invades the nerves and twists the mind. It makes a person go literally crazy. They become cannibals, hungry for blood and they aren't human. Thanatos isn't a joke...thus its cruel name."

  "I trust you, Sis. That's why I told you. But not on your life can you tell anyone! Do you hear me?!"

  You understand he was wrong. Others do know of it...they just don't know Elixis is in possession of it. Even Raven doesn't know...

  You look across the Disc and find Namjoon's eyes locked on yours, the striking intensity of his calculating stare making you lean back involuntarily. His jaw shifts as he thinks, his head turning away before anyone catches him.

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