Introductions & Experiences

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  "I'm Baekhyun."

  You give a wholehearted smile and reply. "It's a pleasure."

  "Pleasure's all mi-"

  "Oh, for God's sake! Will you two stop buttering each other up? It is so obnoxious, really." A silky voice interrupts Baekhyun with annoyance.

  "Apologies, Miss Lalisa." He continues under his breath, "It's just that someone is nicer to talk to."

  You giggle and quickly store her name away.

  I'll ask Oppa about it later...

  "Anyways, let me lead you to your personal instructor from now on. He's been excited to meet you! Also, Miss Lisa, please just sign at the front desk for your 'Personal Fit Time' and carry on." Baekhyun gently pushes you towards a corridor near the back while looking at Lalisa.

  She waves him away without any acknowledgement. "Tell Chani I said to go easy on the poor thing."

  Baekhyun rolls his eyes before walking you away briskly down the corridor.

  Smooth wood panels outline the floor of the creamy white hallway. Pink tinted glass doors line the hallway with plaques. Sauna, Water Aerobics, Personal Fit... you are astonished at the class of this place. You usually try and be a normal person and go to normal places but your mother loves pampering you to only the best.

  Baekhyun finally speaks up with slightly pink cheeks. "See, Chani is the lead founder of this gym but I helped fund it. I decided to take on desk work and financing while Chani took the actual fitness part. Then Lalisa came along and started flirting with him every other second. She started calling him my special nickname for him." Baekhyun pouts before he continues.

   "Everyone overlooks me, which I'm okay with, but you're the first one to fully regard me. Than-"

  You interrupt, astonished. "Please don't thank me! I mean, you seem like a wonderful person, ah, Mr. Baekhyun, and even though I'm sure this, um, Chani will be a good person I can't believe anyone would over look you. I really think you have no need to thank me for being a friend," you hurriedly mumble as your cheeks grow hotter with each stupid-sounding word that spews out of your mouth.

  Baekhyun falters in his step for a moment before looking at you. You stare right back, wondering what you said.

  The silence and awkwardness is thicker than your food baby, and that's saying a lot.

  He suddenly bursts out laughing, a pleasant chuckle while you stand there as you cheeks heat up again in embarrassment.

  "Mist...Mister- ahaha! Mister Baekhyun!" He manages to choke out as his eyes squint with laughter.

  You pout and try not to smile. "Is that really all you heard?"

  He tries to contain his laughter and pulls his mouth into a wobbling line. "I also heard 'Chani'" Baekhyun solemnly looks at you.

  It's your turn to burst out laughing. "Alright, give me a break Baekhyun."

  "Oppa." He raises an eyebrow.

  You huff and roll your eyes, but nonetheless oblige. "Baekhyun Oppa." You pop the 'p'.

  He grins before knocking on a door without a label at the end of the hall.

  "Come in!" A smooth voice replies.

  Baekhyun opens the door for you and you step in cautiously.

  The room is a square, with a beige carpet and off-white walls. There is a beautifully crafted desk at one side, with a deep brown armchair. Framed certificates line the left and right walls. Directly underneath them are chairs with cushioning.

  You focus on the man sitting behind the desk.


  An oval shaped face looks at you, red lips curved in a smile. His thin eyebrows are raised slightly. Round, wire framed glassed teeter on the tip of his nose. His hair is set in dark, mesmerizing waves.

  "Good morning, Ms. Mi Sun. Please, have a seat. And Hyung, thank you." His smooth voice cuts through the silence, making your stare evident. You blush and look away, slowly walking to the nearest chair.

  Are all men like this?!

  Baekhyun nods and smiles before exiting. The man returns his whole attention on you, making you subconsciously squirm.

  "Forgive me for not introducing myself earlier. I am Chanyeol." His smile is genuine and perfect.

  "O-oh, um, Annyeonghaseyo?" There goes your good impression.

  His smile gets wider. "Don't bother being formal. I like to keep it friendly and positive, so don't worry. Chanyeol will be fine."

  You sigh with relief. "Thank you, Chanyeol. So, I gather you know who I am...?" You start.

  "Yes, yes, the Mafia Princess. But that is why you are here." He explains at your worried expression.

  "At Chan Gym, we have important people get a chance at being normal without all the paparazzi. Your mother comes here often anyways."

  "Wow, that's great!"

  "So I will be your personal trainer. We will start out easy and progress. But first, choose a course."

  He hands you a paper with a bunch of huge words.

  Ah, my old enemy. Thought I left you back in university.

  You randomly select one, hoping it will be good.

  "Oh! Water aerobics. Unfortunately, it will have to be set up. In the meantime, do you know how to swim?" Chanyeol questions.

  You blush deeply, mentally kicking yourself. "" The fact is, you always wanted to swim, but your mother never let you.

  She was always afraid that some kind of shark would be waiting in the bottom of the water.

  Chanyeol sighs but looks thoughtful. "The Girl's Locker Rooms are to the left side of the hallway. Go change and shower. There will be a locker with your name on it," He muses.

  You nod and stand up with a smile. "Thank you!"

  You follow his instructions and end up in a square room with a white ceramic tile floor and pale pink walls. The room is bathed in a soft light. Lockers line one end and benches dominate the other. Little doors leading to showers and private cubicles are off to the side.

  You find your locker and pull out a one piece royal blue swimsuit and some toiletries.

  You take a shower, which has so many buttons that it leaves you baffled, and change. You tie your hair in a bun before wrapping a towel around your waist.

  Modesty never hurts.

  You step out of the hallway and see Chanyeol waiting, wearing a black bodysuit for swimming. He has a towel wrapped around his neck.

  "Well, Mi Sun, time to swim!"

☆Hi guys! Man I kinda went into the descriptions this chap. Lemme know if they were any good :P

  So these chaps are kinda imp because of some future stuff and also because Mi Sun is making friends that will be a part of this story. Bear with me, the Elixis will be involved again!

  I also kind of wanted to show that 'you' have a life outside as well. ;-;

  Vote, comment and have a good one!

-SugaKookies05 ♡

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