Infiltrations & Complexities

595 37 32

Yoongi's POV
  "Let me take the key, Hyung. You know I'm best at this part." Jungkook continues to plead with me despite my continuous answer.


  "But I'm the youngest!" He tries with a cute grin.

  "But I don't care." I sigh. "Do I need to remind you of the time we were infiltrating that chemical factory to kill someone, and you knocked over a chemical that made the building catch on fire and explode and-"

  "Hyung!" Jungkook groans, crossing his arms over his chest and turning away from me in unhappiness.

  I for once abstain from rolling my eyes in complete irritation.

  "Kook-ah." I say gently to him and put an arm around my younger. "Let's let Jiminie do the stealth part, okay? What would you think if Jimin asked to be on frontal hand-to-hand combat?"

  Jungkook jumps around to face me with wide, glowing orbs. "That would be ridiculous! He isn't good at that- I am!"

  "Exactly." I smile at him and he begrudgingly nods.

  "I know you want to help Mi Sun as much as you can, but that can only happen if we each do our parts. And how about this; you get to clean out all the guards after you get the rest of us in?" I tempt the boy.

  Jungkook smiles widely. "I'd love that. Thanks, Yoongi Hyung." He hugs me quickly before scampering off.

  I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Now that we have that issue dealt with, Eomma, let's advance." Jin Hyung's teasing voice enters my ear.

  I raise an eyebrow at him. "Ok, Appa, good plan." I walk away from the clump of trees I was standing by and into a bigger area surrounded by greenery and foliage.

  I do a quick scan and see the other 6 boys all ready and armed to infiltrate the base only a couple hundred yards away. "Taehyung, did you get my Barrett out?" I call to the younger while he is talking to Jimin.

  He turns to me and jogs over with two rifles, handing me the sleek black one. I feel the corner of my mouth lift as I grip my familiar Barrett M82. "Let's knock out the patrol and go in."

  We start moving through the forest, making a semicircle to reach a tall tree. I hang the strap of my rifle around my neck and wound strips of cloth around my hands. Taehyung does the same, and we begin to climb the grand mass of wood.

  I let myself dissolve into a realm of senses as I embrace the rough bark on my hands, the smell of the earth and the sound of calm that can't last. I hoist my body onto a branch and sit quietly, Taehyung on the branch to my left. We both grab our guns and load them.

  I start scanning the ground and smirk. Namjoon and I had been right. I told the boys to camp directly north of David's base, since the patrol should've passed the area by noon, and it was early evening. Now, I see freshly broken branches further from our tree.

  I tilt my chin in Tae's direction and he wordlessly throws some rocks a couple yards away from us. Almost immediately, three voices are heard and three dark helmets appear in the green below us.

  Taehyung lifts his sniper and rests it on his shoulder before pressing against the eyepiece. I do the same, letting the cool metal ring around my eye calm me. We both count down mentally, years of sniping together rewarding us with a basically identical thought process during a mission.

  I press the trigger firmly and one, black bullet whistles sharply through the air before the thud of a body on the ground is heard. I feel a rush of satisfaction in my body, and then the second one drops as Tae fires. He looks at me and I nod, so he reloads and takes the next shot quickly as the third helmet-bearing person panics.

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