Notes & Hopes

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  You let out another frustrated sigh. Your violet eyes trace the scribbled words on the paper for the umpteenth time.

  You can't believe it.

  A knock sounds on your door yet again, the noise breaking the silence. "Mi Sun-ah? It's almost been half an hour. We want to know, too." Yoongi's soft voice makes you get off the floor and pad over to unlock your door obediently, deciding to finally discuss this new groundbreaking discovery with the boys.

  As soon as you open the door, however, Yoongi slips in and locks it again. He turns to you with a small smile, raising both his eyebrows as his eyes sparkle with undisguised curiosity. "So? What's it say?"

  You wordlessly hand him the sheet, crossing your arms and watching his expression as he carefully reads. The words start appearing in your mind, already memorized from reading them so many times.

  I don't have time. It's not here and I think they're coming for me. They'll kill me for sure, but I know that only you three will ever find this. I don't know if you'll believe me, but you must.
  Thanatos...there is a cure.
  I know the one who made Thanatos, but he is now forever resting...I do not wish to ruin my friend's name over one mistake. See, it was supposed to be a test virus of this newly developed strain...but it got horribly out of hand and became a mutated chemical. When we saw the severity of the threat it posed, we realized there was only one thing to do. Someone had to make a cure. We assembled a small team and it took years, but it was done.
  The cure works. I personally oversaw the infecting of the test subject and then her healing process. Once we eradicated her, we knew that we were reasonably safe- for if there is a cure, there is hope. Salvation.
  Which is where you come in. My family, one of you must find Thanatos and keep it far away, but more than that, find the cure. Without it, all is lost.
  And no. The chemical cannot be destroyed. Once the seal on the tube is opened, many, many people will die.
  I'm sorry for giving you this burden...but it can't be helped. We chose this fate, and we can't abandon it now.

  You watch as Yoongi's expression turns rapidly from shock to outrage before slowly sinking into a deep-rooted determination. He looks up, eyes meeting yours as countless thoughts flicker through his darpk orbs.

  "We...we should all discuss this," you say, still not fully comprehending that another massive player has been added to the board; possession of a cure is just as powerful as possession of the disease agent.

  Yoongi nods and passes you back the note, opening the door without looking at it, too absorbed in his own thoughts. You thank him before walking out and going to knock on the other's doors. You first stop at the one right next to yours, rapping your knuckles on the wood in a ratatat tat beat like you've done many times before.

  "Jung-" you start but the door opens immediately, as if the man was waiting.

  He gives you an excited grin. "It told you where Thanatos is, right?"

  You scratch your nape. "Um, well, head down and tell Joon Oppa we need to have a meeting...but that I'd appreciate if we could do it in the living room."

  Jungkook nods before leaving, a hint of confusion in his eyes. You make your way to the other doors, calling all the boys out. The last door you knock on is Hoseok's and he opens it with a big smile, taking his headphones off.

  "Hey, Oppa. We're having a meet downstairs," you say, not bothering to elaborate why since it is obvious.

  He leaves his phone and headphones on his neatly made bed and follows you down, slinging an arm over your shoulders. "Hey, don't look so down. Whatever's wrong, we're here for you!"

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