Ruminating & Illuminating

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  "So you think you can find this Bang Si-hyuk and he'll just tell you where the cure is?"

  "Funny, I've never encountered a situation where I've had trouble with someone's lack of cooperation."

  Dae-Jung smiles at Namjoon's reply, leaning back in his chair. The two go over the smaller details of the plan while you rest your head in your hands, deep in thought.

  "Mi Sun?" your second asks, his words safe in the soundproof walls. "Something you want to say?"

  "Mm," you hum, furrowing your brows as you stare hard at the far wall. "I'm just it smart to take Thanatos with us?"

  The males pause, obviously confused at the mention of the dangerous zombie-chemical.

  "Why wouldn't it be? It's safest with us, no?" Namjoon asks, leaning forwards and locking his gaze on the swirling substance in the bottle on the middle of the Office's table.

  "Think about it: once we leave Seoul, we are outside of our home territory. Despite being the two top gangs in all of Korea, we will be out of our personal safe zone."

  "What are you getting at?" he asks, switching his stare over to you.

  "If somehow Burke gets wind of where we are, he will send men after us," you explain, feeling your stance grow stronger as you express your thoughts in words.

  "It won't be hard. Silver Moon isn't a small gang, they could be anywhere," Dae-Jung muses.

  "And we don't know if Silver Moon is the only pet David has. I can name a couple gangs who'd rat on us for a pretty penny," Namjoon adds, grimacing.

  "Now imagine we get caught or in trouble while in possession of Thanatos; what can we do? There's nowhere to hide it or anybody we could trust fully to keep safe," you persist, unwilling to take the chance with something so powerful.

  " might be right." Dae-Jung tilts his head, eye sharp as it studies the silver swirls of Thanatos. "It's too big of a risk."

  "But where do we keep it? Here, at HQ, right?" Namjoon questions, his slender finger ruffling his black and violet hair.

  "Of cou-"

  "No," you interrupt Dae-Jung. "This is the most obvious place to keep it. Thanatos will not be safe here any longer."

  "Mi Sun? This is Elixis headquarters. There is no place safer in Korea," Namjoon says, confused as he looks your way.

  "I agree with Namjoon. If not here, where?" Your second crosses his arms over his chest, a new glint of interest in his eye.

  You push your hair back, closing your eyes to gather your thoughts. "Burke has been searching for Thanatos for weeks...he knows that the last person in possession of it was my father. He...he killed Oppa," you swallow, pushing the ache away, "when Gyeong realized he wouldn't get his hands on it. Now there's only one option."

  "You," Namjoon breathes, leaning back. "He'll come after you. That's why he's trying to break you through Silver Moon. I guess he didn't plan on our alliance, so now he has to get rid of us to isolate you."

  His brown orbs look up to your anxious ones and he quickly adds, "But that won't happen. We'll be too fast."

  "So, you expect Burke to strike HQ?" Dae-Jung asks, biting his lip in thought.

  "Yes. I was already suspecting this, and we have to make sure we're ready for him when he comes. I won't be there, but I know you can lead Elixis while I'm gone," you say firmly to your second. "You'll ambush them before they even step foot into our district. You'll send him a sign- if Burke wants Thanatos, if he wants me, he has to come himself."

  "That's all good," Namjoon cuts in, "but then where will we keep Thanatos? I won't risk it in our base either."

  "I know. That's why we'll keep it in the one place he'll never apartment. Nothing high security, nothing anyone would ever think of," you mutter, nodding slightly in agreement of your own thoughts.

  "I- what?! Mi Sun, this is Thanatos we're talking about, not some simple item. Think about it-"

  "No," you cut off your Co. "Burke has unlimited power. He will find Thanatos sooner or later, exactly why we have to strike as soon as we get the Cure. In that time, however, we can't risk anything. The best place is a place he will never imagine to look."

  You can't help but wish you could keep it safe with Jae Hwa- another place no one would think to look- but you've already cut her off and kept her out of your wreck of a Mafia life. You can't endanger her.

  "What about BlackPink? They could easily defend it, too," Namjoon reasons, not eager to let the chemical go without protection.

  Dae-Jung stays quiet, retreated deep into his thoughts.

  "They won't have time. They'll be busy scoping out Burke's main base," you sigh, feeling a dull ache form behind your eyes as the stress builds up.

  Namjoon raises a brow, waiting for you to explain.

  "I've already talked to Jennie and Lisa about the plan. They've agreed to search for the new base...I highly doubt it'll be the same base I was held in."

  He nods, cracking his knuckles as he checks the time. "Okay, let's take a break and come back to this with fresh minds in an hour or two."

  Dae-Jung hums, getting up and fixing his clothes. "That sounds good to me. I can't say I fully like the idea of leaving Thanatos so vulnerable, but your logic makes sense, Mi Sun."

  "Okay, so let's leave it at this for now." You get off the chair, stumbling slightly as pins and needles prick your legs.

  "What will you do now?" Dae-Jung asks.

  "I'll go check on the boys," Namjoon replies before his stomach grumbles loudly. He blushes, dimples peeking as he melts into a shy smile. "And maybe grab a snack."

  "I'll hit the gym and do a quick workout. It'll help me think," you decide, leaving the Office and walking towards the designated door.

  "Okay, go easy on yourself. You don't want to be sore during the ride," Namjoon advises.

  You turn around and flash him a thumbs up, turning back only to bump into Jungkook.

  He grips your arms lightly and steadies you. "Oh, hey. I was coming to look for you. Jimin Hyung and Jin Hyung are going to come back from their assassination thing soon...after that, do you want to join me and Hoseokie Hyung on a patrol?"

  You smile up at him, ruffling his dark hair. "Sure, but before that I'm gonna workout. Wanna join?"

  He grins, eyes lighting up. "Of course."

  The two of you do a silent countdown, staring at each other for three seconds before dashing off in a race towards the gym.

  Ah, time to have fun.

☆Hey! This chapter is a lot more dialogue lol but I found it really interesting to write! What did you guys think? If you have any questions/confusions, do let me know so I can clear things up :)

  Also, go check out MerakiWriters. I'm sure you'll find a lot of interesting things to take part in, like writing competitions and review shops!

  Have a great week guys and I wish you all the best for school!

  -SugaKookies05 ♡

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