Stoned & Surreptitious

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"Um, hell no." You can't understand why Jimin, unfriendly, adorable Jimin, is in your apartment. Wasted.

"You look-k t-terrible Mina-ah!" He slurs.

Great. Getting insulted by a drunk. That's something off the good ol' bucket list!

"Look, Jimin. It's me. Mi Sun. Not some Mina girl. And I don't look terrible." You hiss as you gesture towards your face stiffly. You can't help but wonder who Mina is...

"Diminie. My name's D-Diminie, you meanie!" Jimin's huge eyes moisten as he sits up on the couch cross legged. He pouts, lips protruding and quivering. His round cheeks puff out and he looks at you with hurt. All you see is a wounded puppy.

You grumble as you turn your eyes towards the heavens. You've dealt with your brother at times like this. On the other hand, he becomes bossy and acts like you're a slave. You're not used to this...soft, vulnerable side of anyone, really.

To top off the situation, it's late and you are very tired.

"Uh, Jimin? What the heck? Just, let's go to your apartme-" You say with slight frustration before being cut off by high pitched wailing.

"I'm Diminie! Go away! Call m-my Yoonie! He h-helps me!" Jimin starts full on bawling at the mention of his friend. He curls into a ball at your feet and rubs his face hard.

Okay, let's try another approach, you decide.

You bend down and touch Jimin's shoulder. His black, short sleeved shirt shows off his well built arms. His skinny black jeans have a stain on the thigh that smells of soju. His uniquely hilighted hair is messed up and poofy.

You fluff it slightly and run your fingers through it soothingly. "Diminie-ah~ it's ok! Come here. I'm sorry for being a meanie." You coo and he slightly gets up and faces you.

His eyes are unfocused, assuring you that he needs to get into his bed. He wraps his arms around you and hugs you, his hair tickling your nose. "I f-forgive you, Mimi."

You raise your eyebrows at the nickname but stay quiet. You slowly stand up and help the man up. Jimin holds onto you with possessiveness and inches along with you to your main door.

You make your way to Jimin's, slowly walking whilst hugging him tightly. Just as you reach the door, you feel your nose twitch from his hair ghosting over it repeatedly.

You sneeze loudly, a piercing, vibrating sound in the silence. Jimin looks at you with big eyes.

He giggles suddenly. "Mimi is like a monster!" You groan but feel your lips stretch into a smile.

Jimin snuggles closer as you pat his jean pockets for the keys. When you realize they aren't on him, you make your way back to your apartment.

"Where are w-we going?" Jimin says as he yawns, his eyes crinkling and his face droopy from tiredness.

"My place." You say.

You drag him over to your bed and put him in, taking off his watch and socks and putting them on your side table. You turn off the lights.

A mewl sounds from the covers. "N-night light?" You turn the lamp on and look down at Jimin.

He really is beautiful, with full lips, a strong jaw and a round, clear face. His hair is silky and really addictive when it comes to running your fingers through it. His brown eyes peer up at you.

"Where will you shweep M-mimi?" You shrug.

"I'll just go on the couch, Diminie."

He shakes his head furiously. "Sleep on me! See, I'm a b-bed!" He spreads his arms and legs to maximize the space he's taking.

You smirk. You like Diminie. Jimin sucks in comparison. Yet you shake your head. "Ah, you sleep. I'll be ok."

You realize he already fell asleep, snoring softly. You smile and brush his a hair from his forehead before leaning over slightly.

Your lips are milliliters away from pressing onto the smooth skin of his forehead before you see a tiny, dark mark standing out on his light skin.

You move your head back and realize that you accidently swept away some makeup off Jimin's face. Your fingers are coated with a layer of BB cream.

You hesitantly rub the sleeping boy's head, just above his right eye. Little by little, a dark mark takes form.

As the last of the makeup on the area comes off, you shriek before falling off the bed. Quick you bite your lip and see Jimin didn't wake.

You run into your bathroom and grab your own BB cream and reapply the makeup with shaky fingers. Swiftly, you go on your couch and cover yourself with a spare blanket.

You try and distract your mind from the image that won't go away.

The black mark on his forehead. On Jimin's forehead.

The small, meaningful raven intricately and delicately tattooed on his forehead to symbolize only one thing.

You close your eyes and pray.
You subconsciously feel something squeezing your hand repeatedly. You faintly hear a voice calling.

The squeezing turns into shaking and you feel the pillow slip out from underneath you. Annoyed, you groggily get up slightly and struggle to lift your heavy eyelids.

You see Jimin and everything comes back to you. You quickly get up fully and pull the blanket up over yourself.

That's when you notice you're in your room, changed into your black pajama shirt and shorts. You clutch the blanket tighter to your chest.

Jimin is changed into a baggy white t-shirt and sweatpants, his hair neat and makeup perfect. You think of how you wouldn't know the raven was there if you hadn't seen it the night before.

You suppress a shudder and a blush at the thought of Jimin being a Raven, and the thought of Diminie last night, hugging you and being friendly.

Then you decide the time is right and scream.

Jimin jumps in shock and lets go of your arm, his eyes widening and brow crinkling. "Yah! What's wrong?"

"How am I in different clothes?!" Your face is a deep pink.

Jimin's eyed widen even more and pink dusts his cheeks. "O-oh no! I called my sister over and she got you changed. I didn't touch you, I swear! Well, I did c-carry you to your bed."

Your pink becomes peony. "Oh...why are you here?"

Jimin smiles sheepishly before bowing deeply. "I wanted to thank you. I was drunk and I want to apologize for any trouble I caused and I want to thank you deeply for taking care of me and-"

"No, it's fine!" You interrupt his ranting. "I had to make sure my neighbor was OK, right? I'm sure you would do the same." You smile awkwardly.

Jimin fidgets. "Of course I would! Well, thank you again! I better get go-"

"Did Midget Hyung take my t-shirt?!" A scream resounds through the walls.

Jimin looks at his white shirt and laughs. "That's my cue! Oh, and there's something for you on the table!"

You watch him run out of your bedroom and hear the main door close with a sharp click.

☆Ayy! Welp this is the chapter I molded this story around, no joke. 😂😂😂

I originally thought that Jimin would have some kinda tattoo and he would be drunk and his makeup comes off. Lol I can't believe I came this far with that stupid idea.

Anyhoo, things are gonna get heated now ;)))

OH I OMBRED MY HAIR!! I'm really pleased cuz this boring brunette needed a change.

Vote, comment and eat ice cream!

-SugaKookies05 ♡

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