Home & Family

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  "Finally! I'm home after college in Canada. I've missed Korea," you say as you walk out of the airport in Seoul, lugging your two mauve suitcases behind you that contain the few possessions you brought. These include presents for your family.

  You wave for a taxi you recognize as your own from the emblem on the side, and jump in, exhausted from the flight. You say hello to the driver and give him the address.

  "Get there quick please."

  "Of course, mistress." You chuckle at his formality.

  During the ride, you are tempted to get a bit of sleep but you remember to first get in touch with your brother. You pull out your iPhone from your denim purse and call him.

  "Oppa! How are you? I'm here, in Korea!"

  "Mi Sun! I'm great, but why didn't you call earlier? I could've picked you up!"

  "Nah, it's ok. I know you're busy."

  "I'd pull out time. Gyeong! Dae-Jung! Finish up the job! We're leaving."

  You wince as you hear a series of thuds and groans followed by silence.
"Well I'm going to Eomma and Appa's, Oppa. Pick me up in the morning and we'll go out?"

  "Sure, Mi Sun. I got to go. See you, Sis."

  The call ends and you put your phone back. You look outside to see a warm red sky, indicating that it's evening. The driver pulls up in front of a huge, beautiful mansion made of shining marble.

  "Mistress." The man opens the door and bows.

  "Thank you," you say as you hurriedly give him a smile.

  You hasten up the steps, your strong arms that are usually hidden holding up the suitcases with ease. The door opens from inside.

  "Mistress Mi Sun! Annyeonghaseyo and I welcome you home." Your butler bows as he takes your bags.

  "Annyeonghaseyo, Byung-chul. Where's Eomma and Appa?"

  "In the living room. Dinner is served in an hour."

  "Thanks," you say as you rush into the living room. Your mother is reading a book on a velvet white couch with hand embroidered pillows. Your
father is sitting in his favorite brown armchair as he smokes a pipe, his expensive glasses slightly steamed.

  "Eomma! Appa!" You cheerily cry as you rush into your mother's now wide spread arms. She envelopes you in her comfort and daffodil scent as she cries.

  "My baby is home! Oh, Mi Sun, we missed you so much!"

  You step back and wipe away her tears, planting a kiss on her cheek as you gaze at her. She is wearing a fancy pale pink gown with pearls on the neck line, her hair in an elegant chignon.

  You then wrap your arms around your father as he mumbles about how they have your favorite dinner ready. He is wearing a dark blue fur robe with his brown hair combed back.

  You take off the mask that was covering your face and smoothen out your plain black, full-sleeved shirt and jeans. "I didn't want to attract attention," you explain.

  After all, being the Mafia Princess is dangerous.
  "Mmm! Lamb skewers!"

  You dig in hungrily, brushing your long, raven black hair out of the way.

  Your mother watches amused. "Your father and I have brown hair. All of our family has brown hair. Yet you have beautiful black hair."

  "Lucky me, right, Appa?" You grin and as he nods, it widens.

  "Now eat up. You must sleep after this. I bet your friends will be wanting to meet you." Your mother chides.

  "Actually, I'll be meeting Oppa first."

  "Ah, Junseo has missed you. And you know he'll ask again." Your father warns.

  "I'll handle it." You roll your eyes at the thought of your brother persuading you to join. Won't he ever get it?

  After eating, you say goodnight and race up the grand staircase, going to your room. You open the double doors and gasp. It is newly painted- your mother's work, no doubt.

  The spacious room has a wooden floor and light blue walls. You are reminded of cotton candy and you giggle, going from a 19 year old to a 6 year old. Your queen-sized white bed and matching side tables now have touches of gold. Your dresser is altered the same way. You barely notice your unpacked suitcases in your walk-in closet before you crash into the down duvet. It was a chilly autumn this year, you think as you fall asleep.
  In the morning, you dress into a beige sweater and light colored jeans. You tie your hair into a high ponytail and put on some sneakers. Just before you leave downstairs, you reach into your purse and pull out some small bags.

  After a moderate breakfast of crepes and coffee, your brother Junseo arrives.

  "Let's go, Mi Sun."

  "Wait, wait! First, I have something for you all." You say excitedly, hurrying into the living room and sitting on the carpet. You gesturing for them to sit down. You take out the bags from behind you and wink at your brother. Junseo rolls his eyes but has a smile plastered on his face.

  "Eomma," You say as you pull out two objects: an expensive perfume and a diamond necklace. Your mother cooes over the items, expressing her delight by claiming to wear them at some party.

  "Appa," you hand him a watch with a polished leather strap. He fixes his glasses and admires it before wearing it.

  "Oppa," you pull out the last gift. A beautifully crafted gun holster made of the finest material. Your brother holds it in his hands, awed as he runs his finger tips over the smooth material.

  "Thanks, Mi Sun," and your 23-year-old brother gives you a shoulder hug.

  "Knew you'd all love them!" You smile happily. "Now let's go, Oppa."
You and your brother jump into his Koenigsegg CCXR, pulling your masks on. You notice the leather seats feel exceptionally smooth and the dashboard has no scrapes.



  "Show off," you grumble humorously before he jets off into the streets.
You both make small talk before your brother pulls up in front of an ice cream parlor that seems oddly familiar.

  "No...Krazy Kream? It's still here?!" You say astonished before you start laughing. "The name sounds stupid now that we aren't in high school."

  "Well, I'm glad you finally realized how dumb it sounds. But surprise, they have bubble tea!"

  "Ooh, let's have some!"

  You get your brother to buy a coconut bubble tea for yourself and a chocolate one for him before he takes you to a nearby park.

That's it for now guys! I hope you liked it!

-SugaKookies05 ♡

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