Accidents & Planning

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"But it's cold!"

"It's a swimming pool."

"And it's too wet!"

"It's a swimming pool."

"I don't like cold and wet things!"

"You eat ice cream. That's cold and wet."

"I can't eat this!"


You shriek as you feel a slight push and you gasp as you cut through into the water. After what feels like a millennial, your feet touch the bottom.

You figure Chanyeol was tired of trying to convince you to get in, so he took matters into his own hands.

"Help! Help! I'm too p-pretty to d-die!" You cough and splutter, you arms waving wildly in the air like cooked fettuccine. You can feel your body sinking and you rapidly shake your head, refusing to drown.

Hope rises in your chest as your fingers brush against something. Pushing all thoughts of lurking sharks away you yank the object and hold on, pushing it to bring yourself up.

Feeling the object sink, you climb higher, but the water is splashing into your eyes and you can't see.

You try and get a firm footing and finally get your feet lodged in an uncomfortable little crevice in the object. You hear splutters and gags and terror rips through your heart.

You quickly push and leap, landing hard on the floor around the pool Chanyeol and Baekhyun led you to.

"Chanyeol? Baekhyun oppa! I got out! You shouldn't have pushed me in the deep end, though..." you trail off exhausted as you look around.

Baekhyun is on the floor, rolling with laughter. His giggles won't stop and when he looks at you they start over again. He quickly glances at you again and hurriedly fixes his smile into a straight line.

Wait, not at you, but behind you...

You turn around, wincing as you do.

Behind you is a very unamused Chanyeol.
"It was 3 feet?!"

"Yes. And if I remember correctly, which I'm sure I do," Chanyeol smiles dryly, "you screamed 'help,' and something about being 'too pretty to die.'"

You give an awkward chuckle. "Um, but why are you wet?"

Chanyeol actually facepalms and groans. "You grabbed me, and pulled me into the 3 feet swimming pool, and tried to hoist yourself up. You pulled my hair and put your feet in my mouth. That is why I am wet."

Your mouth is open, your eyes wide with shock and embarrassment. "I-I'm so sorry. I, um, I'll leave and get Eomma to cancel the membership and-"

You are cut off by Chanyeol's loud and hearty laughter. "Of course not! That was the most fun I've had since Hyung and I opened the gym! You will definitely stay."

You are shook. To the core.

"So I'll learn to swim?" You hopefully say.

"In time." Chanyeol and Baekhyun harmonize.
"And then, I accidentally put my foot in his mouth!"

"Please stop. I don't know if I can take more."

"Oppa! Fine. But why did you call me in the first place?"

"Look, we need Black Dove. There's something we need to do that you perfectly fit the role for."

"Tell me more."

"Come by HQ. I'll tell you the details and you can think about it then. But hurry, because the mission is in a couple of days."

"See you soon, oppa."

The call ends and you put your phone away, sighing.

You think over the little he told you. Apparently you will be going on a mission, if you choose to accept, in a few days. You plan on doing it because you are feeling bored.

Yes, the Mafia life is quite enticing.

However, you have a strange feeling that this might have something to do with the bargains that Junseo Oppa made with Raven.

What were they again?

Something about a business meet and some kind of gang party if you remember correctly...

You mentally groan.

If I have to waste an hour or two of my life on makeup I swear-

The struggle is real.

You slip your phone in your pocket and recline on your couch comfortably with a bowl of Cheetos balancing precariously on your knee.

You decided to treat yourself to an hour of Netflix after the whole gym drama.

Now wearing black sweatpants and a tank top, you are watching Supernatural while stuffing your mouth full.

RIP weight scale.

"Dean! Don't go- oh my god Sam can you spend a season without dying?! And-"

A ring cuts through your rants and you pause the episode. You check the caller ID. Jae Hwa.

"Jae Hwa are you out of your mind to be calling me?! I was in the middle of watching Supernatural! You really aren't my friend, or else you wouldn't separate me from Dean!"

Jae Hwa sighs on the other side. "Hello to you, too. Now can you meet me today?"

"Today?" You whine, already tuning your attention to the screen.

"Fine, tomorrow. My house after lunch, ok?"

"Sure, I'll be there." You brush your thumb across the play button.


"I kinda hate you. Bye!" You mumble before pressing play.

After the episode, you decide to call Junseo. Picking up your phone off the couch, you start putting the dishes in the dishwasher.


"Oppa, I'm coming by tomorrow."

"Good, Black Dove. How about after lunch?"

"Can't. I'm meeting Jae Jae. What if I come by right after that."

"I don't know, I might not be there..."

You mentally plan before speaking. "I'll only spend an hour and a half maximum with her."

"Alright," He releases a breath, "But don't be late. And be safe."

"Aw, love you too, oppa." You giggle before you close the phone.

You close the dishwasher and pad over to your room. You fall on your plush bed and clutch a pillow to your chest, deep in thought.

Have you made a bad choice, joining the gang? You enjoy it and this is the closest you've ever been to Junseo- but is it right?

To take justice into your own hands?

☆Hello, friends. So I enjoyed writing this chapter but I'm sad. One of my favorite writers left wattpad for good. So a quick thank you to Pixi-potato for being an inspiration.

Any potathoes out there?

Anyways, vote, comment and pity Chanyeol for today.

-SugaKookies05 ♡

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