Associates & Dimples

822 40 38

  "Just get home, you two." Junseo sighs.

  The Blackpink girls murmur among themselves and shoot Jimin glances before arguing again.

  ", I'm not complaining but you're fine with, well, Jimin?" You ask hesitantly.

  Both the attractive men raise their brows.

  "He is Raven, Oppa. Does this mean we aren't enemies? Or-"

  "We'll discuss at HQ tomorrow. Afternoon, though. I'll be crashing for hours," your brother checks his watch with tired eyes, "since it's now 2 in the morning. Good night, Black Dove,  Jimmy."

  Jimin turns to him. "Jimin."

  "That's cute." Your brother yawns dismissively and you chuckle.

  The ride back in Jimin's red Porsche is quiet but not uncomfortable. He turns the dial of the radio station and starts singing along in attempt to kill the silence.

  "Oh my my my. Oh my my my. Love is nothing stronger, than a boy with luv." His sweet voice sings and you smile.

  After parking the car and then walking down the silent hallway, you stop in front of your apartment door, Jimin in front of his.

  He looks at you with a soft smile.

  "T-thanks. For a lot, I guess. Sorry for...uh..."

  "Assaulting me?" Jimin suggests.

  "Yah!" You laugh along with him, his eyes crinkling into upturned crescents. "Well, good night, Jimin."

  "Annyeong, Mimi." He winks and dissappears, leaving you a blushing and embarrassed mess.
  Your alarm clock beeps annoyingly, the LED lights displaying a flashing 1:27 pm.

  You groan and attempt to hide your head under the covers, but an unknown force yanks them away.

  You yelp in surprise and fall off the bed, the alarm clock tumbling down with you to land on your grouchy face.

  Still blaring.

  "Agh!" You scream and throw it away only to be granted with a thud as it bounces off something.

  You turn your head to see a smiling, energetic and dressed Jimin patting his abdomen.

  "Even metal can't harm these abs, Jagiya." He smirks at your alarmed state.

  "Now get ready! Your brother is picking us up in 45."

  You groan again and stand up yawning, half pushing an amused Jimin out and half convincing yourself it's time to get up.

  You're not really a morning person. Who is?

  You pull on a pastel pink t-shirt and light blue jeans. Not ripped, however; you don't particularly like looking like a homeless person with raggedy clothing.

  After grabbing Yoshi socks and some dark grey sneakers, you go outside to your kitchen.

  Jimin is sitting at the table scooping strawberry yogurt in his mouth at a fast pace. With pink smears on his full mouth and his pink, long-sleeved shirt and blue sweatpants, he looks perfect in the scene. Like he belongs there.

  He looks up and smiles before hurriedly wiping his mouth with a napkin. "Have some! It's homemade."

  You oblige and sit next to him, taking the bowl from his hand. You put a scoop of the creamy pink yogurt into your mouth and chew on the strawberry chunks in it. "Mmm. It's good!"

Raven [BTS × You] ✔Where stories live. Discover now