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You brace yourself. "Shoot."

"Do you remember six years ago? When we were thirteen," Rosé starts cautiously. You nod stiffly.

"Well I was kidnapped but not by some random person." She takes a breath, "I was taken by a Mafia gang. I didn't and still don't know why they took me specifically. They kept me for years in some underground building, training. I was raised by this woman there, Emily, and taught the ways of my new life. They also tried to make me forget, you know."

Your brows furrow. ""

"Forget us. My parents. School...everything. I decided to play along a while ago even though I knew that my family was out there. That you were out there, Ray. Looking for me with my mom and dad. With your mom and dad."

"We did! We all did. For so long. Until...well it's exactly my point! Around five months after you went missing, a body was found. you are." You look away, emotion overcoming you.

"Mi Sun, the gang planted that. They faked my death." Rosé explains gently.

"No." You still didn't believe it. All those tears, aches in your heart...they were for nothing? Your best friend was ripped from your life. Rosé was your everything, and then she became nothing. Gone.

"After I turned seventeen, they traded me away to David's secret gang. I knew what they did was wrong, hurting people and illegally selling things, and I would've left. I did try. That...didn't end well." You catch her fearful look.

"I've been there ever since, until today. Thank you." Rosé grabs your hands, her eyes wet and her whispered words true.

You are, to put it simply, speechless. "What will you do now?" You manage to get out.

"Stay here, of course! I'm Mafia now- nothing can change that. I will help Elixis. I can and I will, after I see my parents; if I'm allowed?" She says hopefully.

You grin. "Talk to Oppa about staying tomorrow, although with you on our side we would be indestructible. About your family, I truthfully don't know. It's risky to let them know what happened, but it doesn't seem fair to you. I'll ask Oppa."

"Okay, thank you. Now, I have to go to some instructor or something so you all know my level of combat or whatever."

You recall something. "Never turn your back on the enemy, ok?"

You walk out without waiting for a reply, a sad smile on your face and hope buried amongst disbelief in your aching heart.

"Dove, so nice that we could finally grab some coffee." She gives you a tight hug.

"It is. I made time for this- I put gym tomorrow." You smile thinking of Baekhyun and Chanyeol. The three of you had grown close between your short hellos and lengthy swimming classes over these weeks.

You sit down at a cute booth near the back. The basically empty, pastel colored cafe makes you happy, adding to the warmer weather of the night. Sarah follows you as she checks a menu.

"I'll go grab the coffees. Anything specific?"

"One caramel latte, please. Yes to whip cream but hold the chocolate sauce." You answer with a glint in your eye.

As Sarah sidles off, you pull out your phone. You check your calendar and decide to stop by your parent's house tomorrow on the way back from Chani's. Then, you plan to crash for 3 billion years on your apartment's soft king bed.

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