Foes & Smirks

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You stand quietly in the alley, Taehyung is in front of you and you grip both his arms. You can feel that his muscles are tensed up, finally showing some weakness. Junseo is standing a bit away, along with the other agent. You lean close to Taehyung's ear.

"Don't move. One step, one bullet, one corpse. Got it, bud?" You are tempted to say 'kid', but he is probably your age, if not older.

You barely see him nod. You slip out from behind Taehyung and slip into the shadows of the street walls. You let out a low whistle as you see three men walking over.

"What do you want, boys?" You call. You see Junseo slip closer in the corner of your eye.

"Where is he?" The lead one says in a husky voice. He steps out into a flickering street lamp and you have to stop yourself from gasping.

The man is beautiful, with the signature black hair and purple highlights, smooth skin and sparkling eyes. This one has a turned down mouth and an almost bored expression on his round face, except for the gun his fingers are casually resting on.

You join him in the light. You see a flicker of amusement in his eyes before you speak. "Taehyung is with us. Unharmed, of course. Mostly. Wouldn't want his pretty face to be marred," you smirk.

"Wouldn't want to get your pretty hands dirty," He returns your smirk evenly.

"Summit meet."

"You know about the abandoned subway station? Fake wall a couple yards to the left. Wear something nice, Black Dove."

You arch an eyebrow at the mention of your new name. "Word travels fast. Time?"

"Seven o'clock, kid."

"The business meet. What do you know?"

The angel laughs and you see a amazing gummy smile. "You'd be surprised. In a week, seventeen of the top businessmen will be meeting at noon in Song Enterprises."

You feel like that name is familiar yet you can not place where you heard it. "Alright, Taehyung's yours. We have a bit of 'what you needed' in exchange for the, well, scrape on his arm." Junseo had told you earlier to say this. You have no idea what this item is and you are quite curious.

Junseo steps into the light holding Taehyung and a black bag. A man steps up next to the raspy voiced man at the same time. He is round faced with floppy hair, yet again the black with purple style, and he is adorned with the same attire. He smiles a wide smile and you feel momentarily blinded.

Junseo hands you Taehyung and gives the bag to the first man. He checks inside and nods once, handing it to a taller man behind him who is still in the shadows, though you can faintly see his full lips smile. You step forward and gently push Taehyung to the second man, who hugs him and turns around. You step back and do the same.

Just how you had come, you left. Silent and deadly in the shadows.
You are walking back to your apartment and you feel happy for some reason. Probably because you did good on your first bargain but you suspect it is because Taehyung got back to his, well, family. You think that no one would want a son who is a murderer, so his gang is probably all he has left. You smile at the thought of Taehyung laughing with the bored man, playing on video games, shopping, relaxing...

You internally scold yourself. You shouldn't be happy he's all safe and sound, Mi Sun. Remember, you are the Elixis, you are the Elixis...

You cut off your train of thought because you are surprised by Jimin's sudden appearance in front of you. He just stepped out of a black sedan. He is wearing black sweatpants and a black shirt that looks to be damp with sweat. You figure he was at a party, although you know that's probably not the case. You both are in the lobby of the apartment, now.

Jimin smiles his million-dollar eye smile. "Hey! Mi Sun, right? I'd recognize that beautiful hair and bright eyes anywhere."

You blush, happy that Jimin might just want to be friends. "Hi, Jimin. Yeah, that's me! So, what are you doing here?" You ramble.

He looks at you with an amused expression and a smirk. "I'm here because I live here."

Your eyes go wide. "O-oh, yeah, I forgot, heh. But I meant at this time." You question casually.

"Oh, I was somewhere yesterday and drove back late and arrived now. Missed me?" Jimin's nervous state turned into a mischievous one.

"O-oh, ye- I mean, I have to go, u-um, bye?" You mumble quickly.

You step forward and get into the elevator, flustered. Just as the doors start to close, a hand comes in between their path, making them automatically open. Attached to the hand is a smirking Jimin, who steps in next to you and let's the doors close. He presses the button of your floor.

Damn, does he ever stop smirking?!

He looks at you in mock astonishment. "You were going to leave me behind?"

You take hold of your self and calmly yet firmly reply. "Well, I wouldn't want to ruin your solitary desires."

Jimin's expression of cheerfulness turns into a sad and sour one. "About that...I'm sorry. I really am. I would like to be your friend and I would explain, but..."

You truly believe him but are still hurt. "Yeah, fine. Whatever. I mean, life's ups and downs, am I right?"

You briskly walk to your apartment as soon as the doors open. You turn to close your door and catch a last glimpse of a forlorn Jimin looking at you with a regretful expression.

You walk into your kitchen and look at the clock. It is two in the morning, which isn't that bad. You had worked on the whole Taehyung scenario throughout the night though and you are tired.

You strip out of your Mafia clothes and get into your favorite kitten pajamas after a quick, hot shower. You climb into bed and snuggle with your pillow before you fall asleep, forgetting about the day's excitements and worries as you slip into the realm of sleep.

☆Hi people! Yass I dropped (ObViOuS) hints about who came along. And where was Chimmy...? Anyway his smirking gets me :'( What do you guys think was in the bag?
Vote and comment and do whatever you want.

-SugaKookies05 ♡

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